Mitsuki x Male Reader

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Surprisingly no one requested this, and sense both Deku and Shoto's moms have gotten TWO one shots, why not give King explosion murder's mom some love

Background info: Mitsuki is divorced (just makes story writing easier) and is a single parent. You are childhood friends of Deku and Bakugo. You're in the hero course. Also you have had a crush on Bakugo's non sense a kid.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Oh! Hello (Y/N). Are you here to play with Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked.

"Y-Yes," I said nervous.

"He'll be write out," she said with a wink.

I was only 5 back then, but for some reason, my feelings for her have remained the same. Even now when I'm in the hero course. It would be kind of weird if I started dating one of my best friend's mom, but I can't stop these feelings for her. Her beauty draws me in and she's a great person. Though I doubt she'd like me back, and even she did, Katsuki would kill me before I had a chance.

"Hey (Y/N)!" My mom yelled. "I need you to go buy some groceries for me!"

"Ok!" I yelled then getting a list of what I needed to get then headed to the store.

"Hmmm, where is it," I said. Little did I know I was super focused on looking for the fruit mom asked me to get I wasn't paying attention to the people around me. I then bumped into someone, but I immediately caught them.

I looked into the eyes of the person I caught. She was beautiful, and almost super familiar. Then I realized it was Mitsuki.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry Mitsuki," I said then bowing down.

"No no it's fine. Also how do you know my na- (Y/N)! It's been awhile. You've grown a lot! You're also pretty muscular now," she said.

"Uh yeah the Hero course really builds strength," I said blushing.

"How have you been?" She said. "I don't see you around much."

"I'm doing alright, Hero course is a lot of work but super fun," I said.

"My son isn't giving you any trouble, right? He can be a handful sometimes," she said then we both laughed.

"Haha! I'm used to the stuff he does, I'm trying to keep him in line most of the time," I said to which we both laughed. "How have you been?"

"Same as always," she sighed. "Taking care of the Katsuki, and working. Why don't you come over sometime?"

"Really?" I said a little shocked to hear that.

"Yeah! I'd love to catch up and see how you've been," She said.

"Sure! I'd love to," I said, getting a little nervous.

"Great! Let me give you my number, and you can come over tomorrow. Katsuki is busy tomorrow, so it'll be nice to have company," she said with a bright smile.

After picking up everything from the store and heading home. I was super excited, nervous, and plenty of other emotions. The fact I got Mitsuki's number and we're hanging out tomorrow is a little crazy to me.

"Hey (Y/N)!" She said opening the door when I came to the house.

"Hello!" I said smiling. "You look beautiful today," I complemented her with out even thinking about what I wanted to say.

"O-Oh! Thank you," she said blushing a bit.

Her and I started catching up on what's going on. I told her about my hero stuff and she started talking about all sorts of thing. As we were talking I found us to get a long really well, and I could tell me feeling were just getting stronger.

Mitsuki's POV

"See yah later, and thanks for having me," (Y/N) said we'll leaving.

"You can come over next week if you'd like," I said to him.

"I'd love to," he said with a bright smile.

After that I walked to the kitchen. As I thought about our conversation my heart started to feel all weird thinking about (Y/N). I knew immediately what was happening. I was catching feelings. I'm pretty sure the kid has had a crush on me forever, but I wouldn't have thought I'd have a crush on him. I mean he's half my age.

The next week the both of us hung out again, and the next we did the same, but he came over three times that week, as I kept inviting him. As we hung out more and more, my feeling grew.

"How's (Y/N)," Katsuki said during dinner.

"W-What?" I said immediately.

"I SAID HOW'S (Y/N)?!" He yelled.

"DON'T YELL WELL EATING!!" I yelled back at him. I then sighed. "Why are you asking?"

"Well he's over here a lot now," Katsuki said we'll looking at his food.

"How do you feel about the whole situation?" I asked him.

"It's so damn awkward! My friend and mom got feelings for each other!" He said. "But if it makes you happy," he then mumbled.

"Awww! Thank you!" I said hugging him.

"Get your damn body off of me, Old Hag!" He yelled.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey! Diamond boy!" Bakugo said yelling at me.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"You better treat my mom right!" He said.

I smiled as I knew he'd fine out someday. "You don't need to worry," I said smiling.

"Good," he said, but I think I saw him smile a bit. No, I know he smiled.

"Also, she can be super dominant, so that's your other damn massage," he said walking off.

I walked to Mitsuki's house after school.

"Hey, (Y/N)," she said, a little more glammed up then usual.

"H-Hey!" I said. "Y-you look gorgeous," I said.

"Hehe! Thanks," she said with a wink.

Before we even sat down, Mitsuki pushed me to the wall.

"I like you!" She immediately said. "I want you to be mine," she had a smile the was very flirtatious.

"I-I like you too," I said remembering Bakugo saying she was dominant. "I'd love to be yours," I said blushing.

"Awesome!" She said hugging me.

We then sat down. It was kind of quiet.

"I gotta ask something though," she said sighing a bit.

"Go ahead," I said to her still a little red.

"Do you care that as old as I am? I'm even a mom? Why'd you go for a woman like me?" She said, to which I could tell she's insecure.

"Can I be honest with you?" I asked. "I've liked you sense I was a kid. I always thought you were the most beautiful woman I've ever saw. Those feeling never changed. Then we started talking, and I learned more about you as a person, and not as my friend's mom. Then I started to like you so much, I'd think about you ever single day," I said to her.

"Hm, I guess my question it answered then," she said. "Now why don't we go out and do something fun for our first date," she said getting up then grabbing my hand.

She looked back at me and winked. I don't think I've ever been more red.


(A/N): Hope this one was good. Also I might make a mini scene thing from these one shots, so look out for some of those. Also there are other stories I'm thinking of making, but we'll see. Thanks for reading!

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