Midnight x Male Student Reader x Mt. Lady

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My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi
Request from @Bell-Thorn
You belong to yourself

(Y/N)'s POV
I'm a student in UA's class 2-A. My home room teacher is Midnight, which tends to be a distraction, in plenty of ways. The other thing is she's my girlfriend. For some reason I developed a crush on my teacher. I don't know if it was because how she acts, or dresses, or how amazing she is, but I just gravitated towards her. Eventually something kicked in me to ask her out, but what surprised me is she said YES! Our relationship is hidden due to the fact I would probably be kicked out and Midnight would be fired and have her life ruined.

"Hey Nemuri," I said well walking to my girlfriend in the hall.

"Shh don't call me that during school hours, we don't want to get caught," she whispered to me.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly.

"Wanna go to our usual spot?" Nemuri asked well touching my hand slightly.

"I'd love to!" I said.

Nemuri and I have to go to a more for lunch sense our relationship is hidden and it's the only way for us to eat together with out looking suspicious.

"Heeeeyyy (Y/N)~" Takeyama, or better know as Mt. Lady, said.

"Takeyama?" I said surprised to see her hear.

"What are you doing here?" Nemuri said.

"I'm here to see my boyfriend, what else?" Takeyama said.

The thing is I have two girlfriends. Nemuri and Takeyama have this rivalry. Nemuri and Takeyama got in a debate one day and somehow got onto to boyfriends. Nemuri showed Takeyama a photo of me then somehow it lead to Takeyama thinking she would be a better girlfriend for me. Nemuri broke then brought her to me saying this is my second girlfriend and they would be sharing me. I didn't want this to happen and the idea sounded awful, but I love Nemuri, so I agreed. After knowing more about Takeyama I love them both. It's interesting dating both of them. They tend to be competitive over me, which I can't blame them.

"Why do you have to be here? This is supposed to be my time with (Y/N)," Nemuri said frustrated to see Takeyama.

"Well you get to see him more sense he is your student," Takeyama said. "Why can't I share lunch with him?"

"Hey can you two please stop fighting?" I said not wanting to see them fight. "We can all eat together."

"Awww (Y/N) you're so kind~" Takeyama said now hugging me.

"I love you so much," Nemuri said also hugging me as well.

Now I was in both of their breast very embarrassed for the whole situation, but what I could guess is Takeyama and Nemuri were not smiling at each other.

"So how are your days going?" I asked them well trying to get my food and change the topic.

"My day was wonderful, but it's even better know seeing you," Takeyama said.

"My day has been amazing because I got to see you all day," Nemuri said.

They seem to be mad at each other today, as if they are in a competitive mood.

"Are you sure?" I said trying to make sure.

"Of course! Nothing's wrong," they said simultaneously then gave glares to each other. Only proving my point.

"Well it just seemed like-" I said then getting cut off by Takeyama.

"Say ahhh" she said taking my rice and feeding it to me. Shoving the food into my mouth.

I guess I should change the subject.

"Do you two wanna do something later today?" I asked hoping to put them in a better mood.

"I'd love to," Nemuri said with a big smile. "Maybe you can come to my house and you and I can cuddle and watch a movie together," well saying this Nemuri slowly got closer to me then was cut off by Takeyama.

"OR he can come to my house and we can play video games together and get super close to each other and then," Takeyama went off, but I could tell by Nemuri's look this was gonna lead into something far worse, so I got up and left.

"Where are you going?" Nemuri asked.

"Back to class," I said taking my food along with me. "I don't want to be in the middle of this fire you two are making."

I got back to the classroom and ate my food. After that the bell rang and Nemuri entered into the classroom. She seemed a little upset. I ignored it a bit until the end of the day.

Eventually the last bell rang and everyone left. I was the only one in the classroom as I was taking my time well packing up. Everyone else rushed out sense it was the weekend. I sensed someone by my desk when I put the last thing in my bag.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Nemuri said.

"Yeah Ne- I mean Midnight?" I said looking up at her. I could tell she was really sad, so I got up and gave her a hug. "Is everything all right?"

"Can we talk about it somewhere more private?" She asked to which I agreed.

We went to a spot and Takeyama was there as well, also looking sad. She noticed me and came running towards me.

"I'm so sorry," she cried. "I was being mean today."

"I'm sorry too," Nemuri said grabbing me from the back. "I was making things worse."

"No no everything is all right," I said bringing them both in for a big hug. "I don't want to see you both sad. Did you two make up?"

"Yeah," they both said simultaneously.

"Then everything should be good," I said. "I'm not surprised both of you got jealous of one another. You have to share the same guy, so it makes sense. It was also partially my fault for just leaving."

"No," Takeyama said. "We both stopped you from trying to fix anything."

"So even if you wanted to help we wouldn't allow it," Nemuri added.

They both still seemed be a little upset, so I guess I should lighten up the mood.

"Hey, I don't about you two, but I'm totally in the mood for a long night of video games and movies with two amazing girlfriends," I said which instantly brought smilies to their faces.

"You're so amazing!" They both said hugging me and the kissing me. This caused me to go bright red.

That night ended up being a blast we watched a cheesy movie that caused us all to laugh and then played video games the rest of the night. Turns out we fell asleep together on the couch.

I never thought I would have to girlfriends, especially both of them being pro-heroes well I'm still a student trying to be a pro-hero, but I guess it's not that bad. I love both of them a lot and equally.

(A/N): Ok at first I saw this and was like I don't know what I'm gonna do with and I feel kind of weird doing it (I don't really like the harem stuff), but then I made this and it was kind of fun to make. Thanks for reading this though!

Next: Ragdoll x Male Student Reader (request)

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