Camie x Male Reader

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My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi
Request by @POWerFUL-WRITER

(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y/N)!!!" Camie yells out to me right after school is over. "Wanna go to Karaoke with me?"

"Uhhhh," I responded because no matter what I say we would end up at Karaoke anyways.

"Come on! It'll be lit af!" She said grabbing my arm.

"Sure," I said then sighing.

"Yay!" She said then dragging me.

Camie and are pretty close friends, and we hang out a lot. Usually it's not my choice, but I decide to hang out with her anyways. Truth is I'd totally date her by now if it weren't for these dumb school rules. She's actually super fun to be around and she's super cute.

"Hey you two!" A familiar voice yells at us.

We turn around to see none other than Seiji.

"You two better be doing nothing romantic. The school rules state there-" he was cut off by Camie.

"We know. No dating between classmates. Chill out fam. Anyways we aren't dating yet," she said then turning around and walking away, taking me with her.

"Wait!" Seiji still wanting to talk to us.

"See you later... dad," Camie said jokingly make both her and I laugh.

"What was that?!" Seiji said which we started running.

I'm not too big into hanging out and stuff but Camie forces me anyways. I'm not complaining though as I have a lot of fun with her. She's super chill and kind of an airhead at certain times, but she's super sweet and silly.

"(Y/N)! You're turn!" She says handing me the mic. "No wait let's do a duet, it'll be like, a ton of fun! I have the perfect song!"

We had a lot of fun together. Sometimes I'm surprised she'd pick to hang out with me when there are probably a ton of people who would easily hang out with her.

We'll we were finishing up I remember her saying "we aren't dating yet". Then it totally hit me she said yet.

We'll walking to go somewhere to eat I thought I'd ask her about it.

"Hey Camie?" I said.

"Yeah?" She said looking at me.

"Early you said to Seiji we weren't dating yet. When you said yet did you mean-" Camie then cut me off.

"OMG! Did I say that? That must of, like, slipped out. That's, like, totally embarrassing!" She said, but she was starting to get red. "Ummm..."

To be honest, it was a first seeing Camie like this. She's never really embarrassed or shy like this.

"(Y/N), the truth is, I uhhh like, I like you, like a lot," she said causing me to blush. "I was planning to tell you sometimes, but like with the school and stuff, I didn't know if I should or not, so like uh yeah," she said.

"I like you a lot too," I nervously not really expecting on confessing today either.

"OMG! No way! Really?!" She said a little shocked.

"Haha! Yes, really. I have a ton of fun with you and you're awesome! Not to mention really cute," I said getting more and more quiet as I went on.

"I like, feel the exact same with you! That's why I always hang out with you like, every weekend!" She said. "So um I'd know we would have to keep to a secret from the school, but like would you wanna be bf and gf?"

"Definitely," I said to her.

"OMG! I'm like super happy!" She said with excitement. "Let's go celebrate with ice cream!" She said dragging me to the nearest shop. "LMAO! Wait tell everyone finds out!"

"We'd might wanna keep it away from Seiji and the school though," I said sighing

Male Reader x My Hero Academia Girls (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now