Yandere Toga x Male Reader

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My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi
Request by @CqeamMiqlk

(Y/N)'s POV
I'm on my way to be hero. My biggest inspiration is All Might, like every other kid. My parents aren't really ever around and I tend to be alone with a book. I'm not too flashy and neither is my quirk. My quirk being Gold Blood. My parents abused this when they first discovered it as they used it to get rich. This caused them to climb a social ladder and into higher businesses. I can manipulate the blood freely, but I use it for too long and I'll get light headed then pass out.

"You were so funny when you passed out today!" My friend said.

"Yeah, maybe to you, but for me it hurt," I said rubbing my head where it hit the floor.

Well we were talking I notice a girl dropped her book. I went and picked it up to go and give it to her.

"Hey! You dropped your book!" I yelled out to her. She then turned around quickly. The girl was a cute blonde girl. Her hair was kind of messy and she was wearing a school uniform.

"Thank you!" She said with a big smile and then her faced turned into a different color. She then ran off as if she had seen a ghost.

"Haha! Why does every girl you talk to run away?" My friend said laughing.

"Shut up!" I said punching his arm.

Toga's POV
"Why was he so adorable? I want to see him so badly!" I said to myself holding my face in ecstasy. I dropped my book. "I need to know his name, his favorite movie, the school he goes to, I need to know everything!" I said thinking about the new boy I just met.

(Y/N)'s POV
"No school today!" I said well stretching in my bed. "I guess I'll go to the library today."

On my way there I felt a strange feeling as if I was being watched, but I decided to ignore it.

"What should I read today?" I say to myself looking at my choices. In the process I accidentally bump into someone, a girl actually. "Oh I'm so sorry," I say feeling bad for what I did.

"No it's all right," she says. I then realized it was the girl from yesterday.

"Oh it's you from yesterday. I was not expecting to see you here," I said well helping her get back up.

"Oh thank you for yesterday. I would have been super upset if I lost that book," she said. "I'm Himiko Toga. You can call me Toga," she with a big smile.

"I'm (Y/N)," I said simply. During social situations I'm not always at my best. "How was your book yesterday?"

That lead to a whole conversation and we ended up talking all day. We then exchanged numbers and said to meet up tomorrow.

I was super excited to hang out with Toga. I really like being around her. She's also really cute.

Toga's POV
"(Y/N)! I love you so much! You don't even know it yet. I'll make sure our life is just you and me. I will give you everything," I said to myself in well my room. "What time is it? Maybe I can steal something from his room well he is asleep. What should I go for?"

(Y/N)'s POV
"What should I wear today? It's got to be something nice, but not too nice, so I don't overdo it," I said getting ready to hang out with Toga.

On my way to the place we said to meet up someone suddenly grabbed my arm, shocking me in the process. It turned out to be Toga.

"Geez you scared me," I said laughing a little.

"Hehe, I'm sorry," she said still holding my arm.

Do I do anything about her holding my arm? I'm not used to having a girl this close to me.

"Hey (Y/N)? What are your parents like?" She asked me. It was an odd sudden question, even though I just started actually talking to Toga yesterday, I felt comfortable with telling her.

"They are alright. They are hardly around and they kind of used me at first," I said to her.

"Well my quirk is golden blood. I can freely manipulate my blood and it's made of pure gold. My parents saw the potential in this and took advantage of it to make lots of money. They hardly show themselves around and can be hardly considered parents," I said to her.

"Oh I'm sorry," she said in response.

"No, no, no need to apologize," I said to her.

We then got to the place we were going to hang out at.

Toga's POV
"They will pay! Making my (Y/N)'s life horrible. I'll make it hem taste the pain he did," I said planning on their murder.

(Y/N)'s POV
I came home from school. I knew my parents were going to be home. I went into the living room to say hi to find them dead.

"M-Mom... Dad?!" I said feeling like I was going to throw up from the tasteless image in front of me. It hurt and made my stomach twirl.

"It's all right (Y/N)," I familiar voice said. "I'll take good care of you." The person then hugged me tightly. I knew it was Toga. "I love you"

I was trapped. I don't know what happened to my parents bodies. Toga made sure I went to school and got my education. She would stay at my house and take care of me. I would sometimes loose friends if Toga felt it was necessary. I would hope for good days, as bad days would often have horrible outcomes. It was quick. I only knew this girl for about two days and she was already complete psycho. I still love her though... at least that's what she tells me.

(A/N): I'm not too big into yandere stuff, so I had a harder time writing this. The game is cool, but I have no ideas for the stories. Hope you all still enjoyed.

Next: Midnight x Student Male Reader x Mt. Lady

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