~Kisses and Friends~

Começar do início

"Oh yeah, now I remember you. I saw yours and Zayaan's picture. That's where I remember you from." He nodded to himself. His eyes suddenly lot up as he turned towards Zayaan. "Wait isn't she-" However he was unable to continue due to the glare from Zayaan. I looked at them confused but then shook my head.

"You have friends?" I looked at Zayaan quizically who gave me an offended look. At this Shehryar burst out laughing. "I like her already." He spoke between laughs. "But I don't like you." I retorted.

"Yes Inaya, I have friends. Actually a best friend." He replied seriously as he leaned against his desk and I blushed. "I didn't mean it like that, it's just you never talked about him or anyone so I just thought-" I muttered embarrassed and he rolled his eyes.

"That I have no friends?" And I nodded. "You don't exactly strike as someone who would have friends." I muttered unable to stop myself from speaking. I cursed my mouth as it worked on it's own accord. "What?" He gave me a dark look. Before I could reply, Shehryar piped in for which I gave him a grateful look.

"As much as I would like to watch this lover's quarrel, I'm more interested in what's in that box." He pointed to the box I was holding. "It smells like biryani and it's been so long since I've had one." He added and I smiled before placing the box on the table. "Atleast someone wants to eat my cooking." I threw a glare towards Zayaan who had a suggestive look on his face as he cocked his head slightly.

"I was going to eat after-" but before Zayaan could say anything further I piped in. From the look on his face, I could tell he was going to say something dirty and I did not want to embarrass myself any further. "Zayaan, why don't you come and eat?" I looked at him sweetly while he just smirked at me and settled down beside Shehryar.

I sat down on the chair across them as I took out the plates and spoons and gave them one each before placing one for myself. Shehryar didn't wait for anything and served himself a huge portion making me chuckle while Zayaan first took out on my plate then for himself. I gave him a warm smile as I started eating.

"Oh my god! This is amazing! That's it, I'm moving to your house." Shehryar announced and I chuckled. Zayaan rolled his eyes as he himself ate. "No seriously, it's been so long since I've had homemade food and I forgot how good it was. Zayaan seriously is lucky to have you bhabi."

"Why don't you come over for dinner everyday?" I asked and his eyes lit up. "Really?" But then suddenly he shook his head. "No, it wouldn't be nice to disturb your privacy." He declined politely and I shook my head.

"I'm serious, it's totally fine." I insisted.

"Since when did you care about etiquette?" Zayaan teased him and he rolled his eyes. "You don't even knock before entering my office." He added.

"I did knock today." He corrected him and Zayaan rolled his eyes. "You're supposed to wait for a reply before entering." Shehryar just ignored him as he busied himself in eating. I watched there exchange with a smile. Where Zayaan was the sensible and serious one, Shehryar was carefree and playful. I could see why they got along so well.

"I feel like everyday would be too much, how about once a week?" He proposed and I nodded with a smile. The rest of the lunch passed in  bickering between Zayaan and shehryaar in which I ended up being dragged most of the times.

Shehryaar had left and now it was just me and Zayaan in his office. I had wanted to go home but Zayaan thought it was better if we both go back together. According to him, he would be done within an hour or so, then we could leave together. And so here I was, getting bored as I stared at him getting angry on someone on the other side of the phone.

I actually felt bad for the person on the other side as I knew how angry he could get. I tried focusing back on my phone but it was of no use as there was nothing on it too. I sighed and relaxed against the couch as I looked around his office. This was the first time that I clearly observed it.

Unlike his room, his office was pretty simple. There was a huge mahogany desk in the centre with a leather revolving chair on which Zayaan sat. There were two leather chairs infront of his desk with a glass table in between them.

Huge windows lined the wall behind his desk, showing the rest of the city. Infront of the desk was the main door and beside it was a two seater couch on which I was sitting.

I sighed triedly as I laid down on the couch, staring at the white cieling above me. It was wierd how life was so unexpected. Never in my imaginations would have I thought that I would be left on my wedding day. Who knew that instead of marrying a guy from my university, I would be married to a businessman who I never even knew before.

Who would have expected that I would fall for the same man, who just months ago was a stranger to me.
It's about time she finally fell for him. Do you think this is the calm before the storm or Zayaan and Inaya would live happily ever after? Also thoughts on Shehryar? I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Vote and comment if you're enjoying this book:)

Love ya all<3

Falling for HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora