14. Diseased father

Start from the beginning

"What happen to your voice", anu asked again with worry

"Nothing anu, stuck with tonsils and it's effects" Siya said as if it is not at all a problem

Anu looked at her angrily and shouted at siya
Idiot stupid then why you came to college as if it is more important than anything.. look at you...

Siya closed her mouth and said with ushered voice " dear please be calm, I got a dream about the problem and I searched all books later I realised books are with you so I messaged you to bring books and I convinced ma alot to come and I will be leaving at afternoon so cool darling" saying Siya pecked her cheeks to keep anu calm.

"WHAT. Even in dreams you are thinking of problems study instead of dreaming about knight" anu asked in shock while hitting her head as you are crazy.

They went to their class and started preparing for morning exam of physics which has only 15mins to start.

At lunch break Siya went to home and had lunch and started checking her diary.

Anu took physics notes of siya as exam is completed and anu can copy some solutions from siya book.

Siya felt relax seeing book and papers and arranged her books in her shelf and slept.

As sun showed some mercy on her. Her voice was some what better now by evening.

At sid home

Anu went directly to sid room but seeing room empty she became sad and where aahil came home early as he knows his chotteyyy will be dull.

Aahil successfully diverted her mind and they both went for shopping.

Sid pov

I don't know when I drowsed until vivek came to wake me up.

"Get up its already six and you still sleeping have some snacks and start assignment did you forgot about the sir who is behind you always to catch your mistakes" vivek said putting books on table and gave a water

"Yeah he became a ghost in my life", I said with irritation while I went to freshup myself from thoughts .

'For once I pointed at him and he is always behind me. Why can't he accept it that he don't know the subject even we have a lab on it there he won't come because everyone will come to know na. Irritating fellow' sid cursed him under the breath

Me and vivek had some sweet corn samosa and started doing assignment..

"Are you okay now", vivek asked with concern

"Yeah I'm fine", I replied without looking at him because I know he will ask about my behavior previously

"Are you sure or you want to say something" vivek asked after sometime

"Yeah I'm OK, nothing" I said

"Is it about siya" vivek asked in calm

I didn't alter a single word. I don't want to share with anyone she is mine and I can handle her. Moreover she is just like a book of puzzles it only indicates she don't want to open up to anyone and I too want respect her personal space but I want her to open up with me throwing all her insecurities aside..

"Fine, don't answer but don't be like this it's really scaring" vivek said breaking sid thoughts while taking plates and moving towards the kitchen.

He sighed putting his thoughts aside he opened book to do assignment. As he need to share his assignment with his friends and all are calling him as his lecture is little psycho. He sighed and opened book.

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