I'm a Whore Too?

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I'm a Whore Too?

Adriana's P.O.V.


Just peachy.


Ryder was her God forsaken son. From the extremely enormous male population this Earth occupied, he had to be the chosen one.

The deadly question flew to my mind, why did she give birth to the despised devil?

I speedily picked up the forks with little to no concentration. The quick movements of my hands resulted in my idiotic self to accidentally cut my flesh. I face palmed at my stupidity and scurried off.

I positioned and balanced them right above the polished plates Anna held securely in her grip, and sprinted to the restroom whilst making absolute sure his dark eyes couldn't get ahold of me. He could not, under any condition whatsoever, find out I worked in this place. His strong hatred towards my being was as strong as Muhammed Ali, so he had the utter full authority to fire me.

I commenced pacing back and forth. attempting to think about what my next move would be. At this point, my mind was completely and utterly blank. No reasonable plan wanted to welcome itself into my brain.

Suddenly, the door flew open and I immediately looked up wide-eyed, expecting it to be him. A sigh of relief escaped my chapped lips.

"God dammit Anna, you scared me!" over-dramatic I know, but what would you do if you found out the guy you embarrassed in front of the entire school twice was the son of your  boss.

"Why did you drop the forks and put them above the clean plates? Do you know how long it took me to pick the rest up? I used energy. And not just that, you put dirty forks on clean plates." she complained with distaste laced to her tone. As soon as her vocal cords stopped working, her brain started functioning properly.

" Oh, and why did you run off?" she added after her energy losing rant. I avoided any eye contact that could possibly be made. My eyes drifted to the towels hanging. My blue orbs roamed the entire restroom, except her.

"Will you speak or will I have to choke the words out of you?" she asked impatient.

Violence was not the answer!

"Calm down, Anna." I spotted her gleaming charm bracelet and immediately processed a scheme in my mind .

"Anna, oh my God! Where did you get that bracelet from? I am totally going to get one like it!" I initiated attempting to slide towards a distinctive topic, and it seemed as if it was working because her face brightened with excitement at the mention of her bracelet.

"Oh, my dad got it for me last christmas. It has my name engraved on it and it's like-" she paused in sudden realization,"Wait, no no, you're not going to get me off topic. Now speak." she demanded. Eh, It was worth a try.

"It's him." I whispered, covering my face in my hands.

"Him who?" she asked with a puzzled facial expression.

" 'The Asshole' " I mumbled. She gasped dramatically and her hands flew up to cover her mouth. She took two steps closer and clutched my shoulders, shaking me.

"Him as in The Asshole him?" she shouted in disbelief. You weren't not the only one surprised, you know.

"Yes." I hissed. My 'what if' theories kicked in and I started panicking.

"Girl, you're in some deep shit." she realeased me and laughed. How could she find that situation hilarious? It was nowhere near humorous. It frightening, depressing, distasteful, piteous. . any pessimistic adjective created by mankind!

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