When Ron Met Kim

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When Ron Met Kim

Adriana's P.O.V.

Just as I had finally decided to end the life shattering mental battle I had regarding Anna's cheating boyfriend, the shaggy haired brunette had to magically appear right in front of my sharp gaze. His defined jaw repetitively clenched as we continuously gawked at one another. Anna's light eyes drifted from both of our figures, with a large question mark implanted within her face.

"Uh, H-hi, Adriana. It's nice to meet you."it was as clear as day that it required every fiber within his disdainful soul to utter those white lies.

A deadly fiber of hatred soured through his physique, from none other than me. "Would love to say the same thing. It's a shame I can't," Anna's eyes grew in size at my reply, and she initiated producing weird facial expression for me to shut my mouth. Cooper gulped as Anna ushered us in.

Although my entire figure was electrified with anger towards that unfaithful bastard, I couldn't bring myself to tell Anna. Observing crystal tears dripping from those emerald eyes was not a sight I wanted to observe. I have never been placed in such a situation, so threatening him to confess later on would be best.

I stepped inside of her perfectly furnished house that made one feel immense comfort. But comfort managed to escape from the wooden door as the cheating brown haired male was situated a few inches away from my indecisive being. Her ever so loyal boyfriend sat on the neighboring couch, and Anna made sure she felt comfortable placing her gluteus maximus right on his lap. He dared to wrap his sun kissed arm around her bare waist. The jaw I possessed managed to start a routine consisting of repetitive clenching. Whilst my jaw exercised, so did my thoughts. Divergent thoughts kept on racing up and down my brain.

    Stay quiet, Adriana!

    Find your inner off switch.

    Don't do it, she'll feel devastated!

    Go do your homework.

    I grimaced at the thought of resuming that ten hour calculus homework my teacher brightly and contently handed to the entire class.

   Adriana, focus!

   My inner conscience reminded my stressed soul of the situation in hand, and as soon as
it did, my fiery gaze settled on the intimately close couple.

    "Babe, why is your friend here?" Cooper inquired, facing Anna with innocence masking his entire visage. If only that innocence possessed honesty.

    "I invited her over for a girls' night, babe, but I totally forgot you were coming over. But it's okay, you can join us, the more the merrier." she winked at her fear consumed lover. He gulped and mustered up a crooked smile, earning him a slight peck on the cheek from none other than Anna.

    Their proximity and intimacy resulted in none other than immense guilt crawling deep within my soul. A person as pure and loyal as Anna did not deserve to have such a cruel human being present within her life. Cheating on a partner meant that you no longer cherish them as a human being, so why would I sit there and act as if it were all right? She deserved more than what has been granted to her, and at that moment, I finally decided to assist her in achieving what she deserved.

    "Anna!" I stated in a high pitched tone. I gulped and crossed my fingers. "Can we talk?" Cooper's brightly colored irises expanded in size as soon as I muttered those words, and panic was evident on his face.

    "Hold that thought, Adriana, I just heard the timer in the kitchen. I'll be right back," she chirped and exited the contaminated room. I stood up furiously and marched towards his disdainful physique. "You need to tell her what you did," I spat in utter disgust. His eyes narrowed but then an evil glint was twinkling within them.

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