Sister Time...

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(A/N: I have made an decision. I think I would make the rest of the story in Snake's POV. I feel like thats where the story is most likely to end up upon. So, we good? Okay. Good day.)

Snake woke up with warm sunrays hitting his face. Birds were chirping with their songs of nature. Sherlock and Rascal scratched on Snake's bedroom door, whining. Snake groaned as he got up and flashes of last night made him stumble. He had a dream of Ike and him. It was the day where he first met her.

Snake clutched Ike in his arms and kept on squeezing her by the minute. Ike screamed and flailed her arms. Her pale skin turned pink, to red, to purple, to blue, till she passed out. Snake closed his eyes and when he opened them again, no more of his normal navy blue eyes. Instead they were blood red.

Snake shuddered and shook off the nightmare. He opened his door to meet his two dogs.

"What do you want, you little fudgers?" He spat. Though it might seem that he hates his dogs, he truely loves them. Sherlock tilted his head and Rascal shook his head. It might seem that they were rolling their eyes at Snake due to how much cursing he does to them. But, it was normal.

Sherlock pointed at the stairs and started to go down it. Rascal trailed behind Sherlock and he, too, had that look in his eyes that this was urgent. Snake rolled his eyes and followed his two dogs down the steps.

"What the?" He exclaimed when his eyes met his sister.

(I don't know Snake's older sister's name so I'll call her Jane.)

"Hey!! There is my baby bro!!) His sister squealed and ran to hug Snake. Though she was smaller than him, she was still strong.

"Oof!! Ugh!! Jane!! What are you doing here?" Snake grunted as he pushed his smiling sister away from him. Jane smiled and teasingly grabbed Snake's bandanna. She, then, stuffed it inside her bra with her hands on her hips.

"I know when you are troubled, Snake. So, using my sister instincts, I raced here so I can help you. That and I am in town for buisness and I got no place to stay!" Jane said with some of her brother's bandana sticking out of her boobs. Snake groaned and shifted to the kitchen to get some of his morning coffee.

"You little box." He mumbled as he prepared two cups of coffee.

"Huh? What did you say?" Jane asked as she plopped down on the couch, scratching Rascal's head.

"Nothing, Jane!!" He yelled as he waited for the coffee maker.

Jane stared at her younger brother.
Something is definitely bothering him. I need to ask. She thought. Jane stood up, pulling the bandana out of her breasts. She pulled up a chair and kneeled on it. Jane, then, pulled back Snake's brown hair and tied the bandana back on.

"I seriously don't understand why you wear this thing, but if you are happy with it, I need to be happy with it." She sighed as she placed the chair back to it's regular place.

Snake smirked and whirled around fast enough to grab his sister's neck. He gave her a noogie on the head while Jane screamed and slapped Snake.

"Just like oldtime, sis." He placed a smug on his face as she stuck her tounge out at him. The coffee maker clicked and the coffee stopped pouring out. Snake pulled out the coffee maker and poured the hot coffee into the mugs. He poured in the milk which gave the black coffee into a rich light brown color. Snake pulled out three packets of sugar and poured two on one of the mugs; one on the other.

"Here ya go." Snake placed one of the cups in front of his sister who scrolled up and down on her phone.

"Thanks, Solid." Jane teased and Snake grumbled as he sipped his coffee. Jane glanced at him and her eyes trailed to his left ear.

As a kid, Snake's left ear would always twitch. Jane was the only one who understood what that meant. It meant that Snake was troubled.

"Snake? What's wrong?" She asked sternly, putting down her cup of coffee. Snake looked at her and touched his left ear which twitched in his touch.

"Nothing, Jane. Nothing. Don't worry about it." He sighed before gulping down the rest of his coffee. He stood up, quickly so the chair would scrape against the floor. Jane sighed and stood up as well. She grabbed Snake's shoulder, before he reached the stairs, and spinned him around to face her.

"Why won't you tell me? Come on. We would always tell each other secrets when we were kids and we would never tell anyone about them! Including mom and dad. I never told anyone about your secrets! So, tell me please. As your sister. As your best friend. Tell me, Solid Snake." Jane pleaded with a worried expression on her face. Snake knew she wouldn't stop till he tell her. He looked at his feet and mumbled.


Jane's eyes grew wide and her mouth smiled a mile.

"That's great! That's not so bad, isn't it?" She cried, hugging Snake.

"No. Not great, Jane. Not at all. It's different." He grumbled at her, not looking into her green emerald eyes.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's a different kind of love." He said.

Jane knew that her brother wasn't gay or anything. She knew about Snund. So she decided to tease him.

"Ah. So, you're gay. I see." She camly stated.

Snake jumped and a dark shade of pink crept up his face.

"N-NO!! Not g-gay! Jane! What are you doing?" He noticed his sister typing in something on her phone and the look on her face.

"I know who. It's the pretty boy. Oh what was his name? Campbell? Cononel? Jund? Scott? Ah..all of them. You love the boy right?" She smirked. Snake flushed with anger and embrassment. He shook his head till he finally bursted out the truth.

"I am in love with a 16 year old girl!!" He cried out loud before he stomped up the stairs, leaving his sister in shock.

He ran to his room, like last night, and dove to his bed. Snake hugged himself underneath his bed sheets. His sister came in the room, frowning.

Jane walked in and sat next to Snake. She never heard her brother say 'love' before. He did say 'like' but never 'love'. So, she knew that this is real serious.

As she placed a hand on Snake's body, she said.

"Why are you so ashamed? I won't tell anyone. Snake, come out of there." Snake peeked his head out of the covers and sighed.

"I am not ashamed. I'm...I'm...I don't know anymore, Jane." He said with his voice grumbling.

"Well, tell me what is this girl like?" She asked, cocking her head. Snake didn't know where to start. Ike was to complex describe.

"Ike. She...she's amazing. She's a genius. But, I love her because of her eyes. Oh my goodness, Jane. You need to see them. Their beautiful. Her voice can easily put me into sleep. She's perfect, Jane. She's perfect." Snake breathlessly stated with a smile growing on his face. Jane smiled at her brother and hugged him.

"You know what?" She said, while she embraced her brother.

"What?" Snake questioned, not minding the hug.

"If you are happy, I am happy." She whispered in Snake's ears, giving him a toothy grin.

Snake nodded with Jane chuckling.

"Tell me more about her. It seems you are very interested about Ike." She said , placing down her phone.

"Oh...where do I begin?" Snake chuckled slightly as he began to tell more about Ike...

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