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"Ike. Nice name!" Cry said with his blue eyes gleaming.

"I appreciate the fact that you enjoy my name. Now, I must go before my gaurdian finds out that I am talking to you." She dropped her voice to a low whisper.

"She absolutely hates it when I talk to other people other than my family-unit!"

Russ, Cry, Cheyenne, and Snake raised their eyebrows.
Family-unit? What the hell? What is this girl? A robot? Cry exclaimed inside his head. Since Cry and Cheyenne moved in together, they glanced at one another in confusion.

"Excuse me. Did you just say family-unit?" Snake exclaimed with his hard eyes staribg at the screen.

"Yes. I am part of a family-unit that is not really my real family. I have been living with this family-unit with other children like me." Ike explained.

"So....you are an orphan?"

"Yes. I am an orphan. Too intelligent to be playing video games. That's what my guardian said to me when I was playing MGS." Ike said.

"An orphan who is too smart to be playing for us but still is a rebel to her family. Hmm......I LIKE IT!!" Cry snapped his fingers, making Cheyenne jump. Snake nodded in agreement. Though no one else could see, he was smiling at Ike's icon on Skype. He liked her very much. He didn't know why but he just did.

Then, the man just said something he shouldn't have said.

"Can we see your face, Ike?"

Cry and Cheyenne gasped with Russ slowly shaking his head in disappointment.

Ike stared at the screen with her eyes hard on Snake's icon. She trembled as she slowly placed her hand on the mouse and clicked on face call.

Everyone 'ooed' when her face popped on the screen, leaving Snake to blush madly to her looks.

Ike had short silver hair that reached to her chin. It looked like one of them haircuts in Final Fantasy. Her eyes were amazing.

Two different colors.

One blue.

The other deep purple.

She wored a pikachu hoodie with the hood on her head. She had skin that glowed, though it was pale.

"You're beautiful." Cheyenne whispered. Cry nodded in agreement.

"You have wonderful eyes." Russ said as he automatically touched the screen. It was as if he wanted to touch her.

"Y-you....y-you...look...I am sorry but I have no clue of what to say." Snake's voice wavered as he blushed even more when Ike started to smile and giggle.

"Well, it might seem that you are very pleased with my physical features." Ike smiled.

"Pleased?! No. We are AMAZED!!" Cry cried with Cheyenne calming him down.

"How old are you?" Cheyenne grunted as she tried to keep Cry in his seat.

"I am the year of 16. I am already in college and finishing my final year there." Ike exclaimed.

The door suddenly swung open in Ike's room. A figure marched in with a belt in hand.

"IKE!! YOU DISGRACEFUL CHILD!! YOU ARE TOO GOOD FOR THE MORONS YOU WATCH EVERY SATURDAY! Too intelligent for the dumb people who just sit around for more than 5 hours to play video games. Which rots people's brains! You have disobeyed my orders. Now, I have to give you your punishment!" The figure screamed with Ike crying on the floor with her arms up for protection.

With the whips that were being heard and seen, the crew screamed and cried for Ike. They felt useless. Cry almost banged the screen to it's limit till Cheyenne told him to sit down. She looked away with tears in her eyes and turned her head away as she gripped Cry's arm.

Snake was speechless as he watched the girl getting beat. He trembled to scream. He couldn't find his voice and so did Russ. Snake whimpered as his eyes flickered at the blurry screen.

The slaps and the cringing girl on the floor made him mad. Much madder than any moment in his life.

He found his voice....

"LET GO OF HER!!!" He screamed as loud as he can. Cry and Cheyenne yelped and took off their headsets while Russ jumping out of his chair.

"S-snake..." Ike trembled as the figure stopped beating her and looked at the ceiling.

"Oh my god. It's the devil himself!!!" The figure ran out of the room im fear. Ike crawled to her computer as she smiled weakly.

"Thank you, Snake. You saved me again."

"What?!" Everyone else gasped as Snake stared blankly at the screen.

"It is a long story."

And she began her story....

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