Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

I tried not dwelling on my feelings. It wasn't like there was anything I could do with them. So, I tried just getting on with my life. Which was not any easier.

I was aware I could do nothing to change August's mind. I knew it was an easy choice: tell the truth otherwise this shit keeps up. However, 'this shit' apparently included getting framed and arrested. So at this point, I didn't care that I couldn't change his mind. I didn't care that visiting my oh-so-lovely neighbor's house wouldn't help me. But I was incredibly pissed and that's what I did. I marched over to confront this bastard.

It was dark out when I crossed through my backyard and into August's. I wanted to avoid Blake's camera aimed at our houses. And in order to avoid Sid overhearing anything, I would make sure to invite myself inside. Nobody could know why August was really gunning for me. So, pounding on his sliding glass door, that's what I did. When he finally appeared, and slid the door open in surprise, I invited myself inside. Well, I more just barged in.

Stunned by my visit, the bright light from his kitchen I stepped into showed the shock in his wide eyes. "Wha—?"

"Took you long enough, I was about to die from the mosquitoes," I grumbled, taking the liberty to slide his door shut roughly. "Or maybe death by mosquitoes was just next on your 'How to Destroy Ruth' list!

I was too pissed to care about anything or even be scared of him. It explained the raised eyebrow calling me crazy as he just stared at me. Honestly, maybe I was nuts. I had a restraining order against him for reason. Yet, I was standing in his kitchen, staring daggers at him and scowling. At least I wasn't in purple pajamas anymore; I changed into a pale yellow tee and jean shorts before stomping over here with no plan.

Making sure there was at least a few feet between us, he just cautiously watched me. He was in sweats and a graphic tee, as if he was ready for bed, but he was wide awake and alert. "I don't know what you're doing... but you should leave. I will also point out since you are on my property, I'm not violating the restraining order."

"Well, it's not like we could have a chat out in the open. There is more than one psycho in my life that likes to spy on me, so I wanted him out of hearing range."

A cocky little grin appeared on his lips. "You have no proof that I am spying on you."

I marched up to him and jutted a finger in his face. "Even if I did, it's not like it would have mattered! It's a done fucking deal; I have a misdemeanor and fines thanks to you!"

He just stared right down into my eyes. "You might have more serious charges in the future if you don't change your mind."

I dropped my hand, taken aback. "The fuck does that mean?"

He halfheartedly shrugged. "Guess we will see. I mean vandalizing a dumpy small-town business isn't as bad as... I don't know... burning down a building worth millions. Or maybe... doing something even worse for you personally. Where perhaps CPS gets called. I don't know, there are so many possibility that could land you doing actual hard time."

A shiver crept up my spine. A shiver that lingered and dispersed throughout my body. His words... opened up a whole new horror-filled world of possibilities I couldn't handle.

"I liked you better when you were cutting breaks," I said in a daze.

"So did I," he said with a sad smile. "You forced me to escalate things though. I warned you."

He did warn me it would get worse, but I didn't think it would take this route. I figured the physical sabotage would heighten (like my cut breaks). Instead, he was gunning to frame me and ruin any future I could have. I just... I couldn't believe it. Only next time, it wouldn't be a small auto shop, it would end with me in prison if he pulls it off.

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