Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

My heels clicked against the wood of the marina dock. It was a nice evening, even though it was still insanely hot out. The sun was slowly lowering, inviting a gradual orange hue to the humid sky. Meaning, the mosquitoes would be getting bad.

"Do you have any bug spray on your boat?" I asked, following behind him.


"Well, does your boat still smell like fish?"

"Guess you'll see."

When we got on his boat, it didn't smell like fish. But that wasn't good enough for me.Below deck, as he started backing the boat out of the marina, I asked, "It doesn't smell like fish, but did you clean the boat? Like really clean it?"

From where he was sitting at the wheel, he glared up to me."Yes. Does that meet your standards, little-miss priss?"

I shrugged in a purposefully unimpressed manner.

Seeing I was purposefully pushing his buttons, he was immediately in action. With a smile, he stood up and grabbed my arms. Holding me, he started swiping at my feet, making me laugh and struggle against him. Then, he knocked my heels off, snatched them, and sprinted up the steps and to the front of the boat. What the hell was he doing? I followed and watched as he chucked them through the air! They landed on the dock we were backing away from. Thank god. If they landed in the water, I would have kicked his ass.

"Now you're barefoot so you can see first-hand how clean it is," he said, walking back to me with a proud smirk.

"Why do you like throwing my shit off boats?" I scolded, smacking his arm. But for how close he stood, it was hard to assert any true anger.

"You make it easy," he teased.

"You might make it easy for me to throw your ass in the water," I said, trying to hide a smile. "By the way, if those shoes get stolen, you owe me 250 bucks."

"Maybe you'll learn not to wear such expensive shoes when spending an evening on a boat."

"You didn't tell me we were going on your boat!" I exclaimed, laughing.

Stepping even closer, he tilted his head and searched my eyes over the top of his sunglasses. "Well, I'm so very sorry that I like to surprise you."

"Oh, you like surprising me?" I asked just as flirtatiously.

"That's right."

It was definitely not the end of surprises either – not like it even mattered. The level of excitement didn't dim after that. After going back below deck, and directing the boat further out, he stopped and anchored us in the middle of the bay.

I wasn't someone who often appreciated nature or being outside. Usually because it's a miserable shit-show. However, having nothing but water around did the trick. There was a nice breeze and relief to the humidity. The sun was lowering, yet I didn't get bit once by mosquitoes.

Honestly though, even if those issues were present, I'm not sure I would have cared. With nobody around, nobody watching me, no drama to worry about, that alone was amazing. Then, add private time with Blake... ugh, my heart was just soaring.

We were sitting at the front of the boat, facing the gradual pink sunset. My legs were stretched out over the blanket, enjoying the warm breeze. Our shoulders pressing together, I craned my head up to his. "I have a question."

With his shades still on, his lengthy hair ruffled in the breeze. "Hmm?"

Biting my smile, I cocked a brow, loving how close we were. "So, we went to the marina by motorcycle. Went to the middle of the bay by boat. When will we be getting to the private plane? Or is it coming to us?"

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