Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

As I wrapped myself against him, he sat up on his knees, and held me against him. It allowed him to more easily trail his hands over my body. One got lost in my hair while the other trailed over my body. I was just as eager, rubbing his chest, his biceps, broad shoulders, then back to his hair. Ugh, he felt wonderful, his hulking body against mine felt like magic. And it made me hold him in need, wrapped against him, lips moving deeper.

He held me wrapped against him, and greedily nipped and kissed my lips, breathing hard. It was unlike the first time; it was, fuck, much more needy and passionate. God damn, if it wasn't for that, maybe I could have stopped, but... no, I needed him and his warmth and this body. His nice sexy fucking body. Running my hands under his shirt, feeling the hairs along his strong chest, a pleasurable moan left his throat.

Just as it did from mine... when he did the same thing. Hands snaking under my shirt, to my back, his hands dug into me, but the gentleman he was... I could tell his tempted hands were scared to go elsewhere though they wanted to. Mine weren't as scared and started unbuttoning his shirt, going with the needy nature of our kiss and my body.

Then, unexpectedly, he pulled back and detached our lips, as if he had to snap himself out of it. Noses brushing together, our wide eyes opened to each other. "Ruth," he said in a shuddering voice. "Don't play me."

"I...I..." Blinking, heart a mess, I wasn't sure what to make of his words. All I knew was I fucked up. I knew that the second I kissed him, but wasn't sure how to handle it. Staring at him, flustered, I shook my head. "I'm sorry."

He looked at me for the longest time... and with each second, he looked more and more disturbed. Untangling my body from his almost in a daze, he simply stood up and walked down below deck. All without a word.

It's not like there was much for me to say either. I fucked up again – and this time, I even initiated it. Therefore, I obviously felt guilty. But... it was different. It was more than a lapse of control, it was a need. It didn't matter how conscious I was, it didn't matter if Sid was watching, it wouldn't change how badly I craved to be with Blake. It wouldn't change how I felt about him. I mean on the way back to the marina, I knew I hurt him and it made my insides ache.

I felt so terrible for what I did, so bad for screwing with Blake's head... but my heart was still pounding hard by the time we arrived back to the marina. I just wish he knew why I couldn't be with him. Because by now, he had to realize just how badly I wanted him. If only he knew the extent. Like how hard I was falling for him....

Nothing was said until we docked. And yes, the whole time, it was super awkward. After I found my heels in the darkness and put them back on, he finally mumbled, "I'm going to use the bathroom in the store real quick."

I followed him up to the marina store. Taking his keys out, he unlocked the door, and we headed inside. It was pitch black until he flicked some lights on. While he went into the bathroom, I aimlessly looked around, feeling like shit. That's when I saw the ajar door behind the counter. I've been in here before... but it was the first time noticing Blake's name on the door.

Huh. I didn't know he had an office. Naturally, I had to check it out. The light seeped in from the main area, helping me to see the lamp on the deck. Turning it on, I took in the dimly lit office. It wasn't anything impressive or great; it was a small area. There was a desk and chair, facing a filing cabinet against the opposite wall. Adjacent to the desk was a couch and a few folding chairs.

What drew my attention was the small details. Like the stacks of papers next to the computer. There were random desk toys along the outside of the desk, including several cups and pop cans. So messy... just like him. It made me smile sadly.

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