Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Despite that extremely intimate moment the other night, we pretended like it didn't happen. Thank god too; the last thing I wanted was tension or any awkwardness from that close-call. If anything, since that fun-filled day, Blake and I were closer. I felt more comfortable and free around him – and opening up to him made him more open and transparent with me as well.

Enjoying my time with him in general made even the sweaty jobs he put us through more bearable.

Thankfully though, today's job in particular wasn't a sweaty one.

We browsed as we walked, looking over the wide sea of living room sets. Couches, recliners, end tables, ottomans... there were endless possibilities. I tried not getting too excited. "Does every house need the same exact furniture? Also, does whatever we choose have to look hideous?" I teased.

"You know, I could always go to Goodwill."

"Oh, you mean the dump you bought your last furniture from?"

He hummed a tone of amusement. "Anyway, to answer your less insulting question, it's wise to buy the same for each house. Makes it easier and more consistent."

"Good, because this time around, we are going to find some furniture that's nice and actually matches," I said.

Sticking out his ankle, I tripped over it and nearly fell. Catching my arm, he smirked, the bastard. "Watch out, you don't want to face-plant anything," he smirked.

"Shut up," I laughed, shoving his shoulder as we continued looking. "So, do you have anything specific in mind?" Because I sure did. Out of all our projects, this by far was already my favorite. "I think we should go modern."

"My houses are located in the country, if you haven't noticed. So maybe not too modern."

Pausing, looking over the brown leather furniture, I glanced up to him. "I get we live in hick-vile, but you want furniture that matches anything. Like this," I said, rounding the couch and taking a seat. "Plus, you have carpet, and leather would go better than a clothe couch." The leather felt nice against my skin where my skirt cut off, but the cushions were too soft in my opinion.

"I never thought of that before, that's a good point." Blake sat down next to me as well. "I don't know about this one though... sinks in pretty deep."

Meeting his eyes, I smirked. "Yeah, that is really deep... I don't care for it."

"Just because you aren't used to deep, doesn't mean it's bad," he said, nonchalantly smiling in amusement.

Wow. Blake was getting ballsy with his joking. Not like I minded being playful with the man. Despite joking, glancing over every inch of the manliness next to me, I had no doubt he knew about sinking in deep. His large frame, muscular arms, height... I mean, do the math. Fuck, what's wrong with me?

Biting my lip, I rolled my eyes. "You have no idea how deep I can take it." Again, what the fuck was wrong with me? Even as I said it, I knew I was taking it too far.

"Damn," he exclaimed in surprise, nodding and making me laugh.

Eyes mindlessly moving across the furniture around us, my gaze stopped on a furniture set adjacent to us. Standing up immediately, I headed over to the new apple of my eye: a gorgeous, but unique, leather couch.

It was a smooth black, but what stood out was a clever design choice. It had a multicolored stitching that lined the arms, cushions, and the curved back of the couch. And when I say 'multicolored' I more mean the rainbow. The wide stitched pattern changed gradually from red all the way to purple. Since it was mostly black, the slight color only accented it, but it was still definitely different and pretty. "Blake...."

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