Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My name is Ruth Dunn. And I was currently out of my comfort zone.

I wanted to drag the clerk out of his comfort zone too. What gas station doesn't have Pall Mall cigarettes? Looking over their limited selection, I couldn't settle on really anything else. I'm sorry, I'm picky, I like my Pall Malls. Sue me.

Shifting my weight, I smiled to the skinny young man across the counter. He looked maybe 17 and innocent enough. I wasn't going to be bitchy; it wasn't this kid's fault. But come on! I've never been to a place that didn't have my cigarettes. Or Little Debbie snacks. Yes, this place didn't have any Little Debbie sweets either – and I thoroughly looked when I first stepped foot in this gas station.

"Are there any other gas stations close by?" I asked.

"Well, there is one on the outskirts of town, closer to the bay."

Was he kidding? "Aren't we on the outskirts?"

"No. We are in the center of town, ma'am."

First of all, I hated when anybody called me ma'am. I was 22, not 50. And second... this boy thinks this gas station is located in the center of town? This was only my second time coming up here, but I know what a 'town' should look like. A town should be more than one road with a gas station and maybe three other businesses. Jesus, how was I supposed to live in a place where people call this a town?

Well... at least it wouldn't take me a long time to get to know the area. I sighed. "Alright, where is this one on the outskirts?"

"Just keep going up the road and take a left at the second light I believe."

They have traffic lights here? How advanced.

Nodding, I pulled out my wallet. "Thank you." Giving the boy 20 dollars for gas, I walked out to the pump I parked my gray Camry next to. I was still getting used to how small it was compared to the size of my last vehicle. Regardless of the size though, I managed cramming most of the boxes in the back seat and trunk. That was today's goal: to start unpacking.

Back on the road, I prayed for a miracle. A miracle shouldn't be finding Pall Mall cigarettes or an oatmeal cream pie, but today, it would be a miracle. Turning left at the second light, I drove past ditches and trees. The roads were hilly. In the distance in the trees, fog loomed. Sure, it was pretty, but all I could think was... what the hell was there to do around here? Egg the houses that started popping up along the countryside?

Soon, I reached an intersection. The gas station was on the corner and I pulled into the parking lot. Across the street was a general store. I might have to check it out if this next gas station turns out to be just as sucky.

Unfortunately, 'sucky' was the vibe I got when I stepped inside. Call me prissy, but was air conditioning so hard to ask for on a summer day? Bunch of animals. I shall remain calm though. I wasn't going to die – well, unless they didn't have my Pall Malls. Then I might die and so might everyone in a 30 foot radius.

Walking towards the front counter, I grabbed the hair band from my wrist and put my thick brown hair up. When I looked across the counter, the cigarettes on display drew my eyes. Yup, I might die.

"Hello," a man's voice came. He rounded the check-out counter and stood before me, smiling. For a moment, he distracted me from my irritation. He was the first attractive person I've seen so far in this backwoods hole. Who knew good looking people lived out here? Not me. "What can I do for you?"

I looked down and said jokingly, "You could start keeping Pall Malls in stock."

I couldn't help but look back up to him. Looking to be in his mid-30s, he had a strong build and large frame. His brown lengthy locks were pushed back from his face, allowing a better display of his sharp brows and blue eyes. He also had an impressive beard that hugged his cheeks, chin, and was scruffy down to his neck. He could use a proper haircut, but I had to remember, I wasn't in the city anymore.

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