This time, it was Blossom who clutched at her hand, a small but genuine smile on her face.

"Who cares?! Group hug!" Yurin tackled the three females into a group hug, but ending up with the four of them falling down. ("WAHH!!")

"Yurin!" Hana scolded, pinching the black haired female's cheeks.


V and Han chuckled heartily, somewhat feeling the tension disappearing. Meanwhile Eduan grinned at the sight as he went to stand beside V.

"Thanks for being with her," V remarked, obviously happy with the scene.

"Whatever do you mean?" Eduan glanced at V sideways, not giving the reaction V wanted. "I did nothing special."

"Says the one who woke up early to walk Aurene to school?"

"Hmm? Did I do something like that?"

V chuckled, noting the slight tense shoulders. Looks like he hit the nail on the head. For now, he's satisfied with that reaction.

"Aurene, you still have some bruises here," Blossom caressed Aurene's cheek, careful not to hurt the brunette.

"Oh yeah. It doesn't really hurt so it's okay."

"Geez, Jahad really should apologize," Hana grumbled, clutching to Aurene's side. "Whatever was he thinking when he hit you?"

"Well, to be fair I did hit him too," Aurene sweat-dropped.

Speaking of the devil, here comes the golden haired male, several plasters adorning his handsome face.

'Looks like Aurene really did a number on Jahad, heh,' Blossom inwardly snickered but soon widened her eyes when Aurene wordlessly approached Jahad.

Everyone present (including Gustang, Lo Po Bia and Hendo Lok behind Jahad) got ready in case another fight broke out, but was taken aback with Aurene bowing down ninety degrees.

"I'm sorry for hitting you... a lot of times."

To say that everyone was surprise was an understatement. They definitely did not expect Aurene to openly apologize to Jahad, thinking that it may hurt her pride. Heck, they didn't even expect for the female to apologize.

Even Jahad looked taken aback, absolutely speechless by the sentiment. But when he was about to reply to the still-bowing Aurene, Mr. Shin came and shooed the group to their seats ("I wanna sit behind Aurene!" Yurin hollered, as the whole class pondered over the new seat arrangement.)

"Oh? I guess you guys are turning over a new leaf now?" Mr. Shin snidely commented, nodding at the new view of the classroom. "Well, I don't exactly hate it, so keep it up."

"Is the world ending? Mr. Shin's actually complimenting us for once."

"...I can hear you, Eduan."


"Did you really have to do this, Aurene?" Yurin muttered with a dark look, blocking the door.

"Do what?"

"Meeting that bi-"

"Language, Yurin," Hana shot Yurin 'the' look, making Yurin flinch for a second.

"...that woman, of course!"

Aurene sighed. Truthfully, she did not want to confront Erika, but she still wants to know, the reason her... friend did that. It may hurt her more, but Aurene would rather be hurt than not knowing the truth.

"Don't you want us to come along?" Hana fretted.

"It's fine," Aurene smiled at the female, assuring her. "I'd be more at ease going by myself. I doubt the other students would dare to harm me anyway."

"..okay then."

After a few more pleas, Yurin finally (and reluctantly) let Aurene go.

The walk to Erika's class was undoubtedly prickling with lot of stares thrown onto her, but the brunette had learnt to get used to it.

Even if she doesn't want to.

Anyway, she had asked for Erika's classmate for the female, but was informed that Erika was absent, apparently with no valid reason.

'It's pretty rare of her to skip school, though? Or is she sick?'

As such, Aurene decided to come again tomorrow to confront the female. But little did she know, a big incident was about to happen.


"Are you sure you're letting her go off alone?" V asked Eduan, who smirked back.

"Who said I'm leaving her?"

".....Eduan, you're not thinking of following her, right?"

"Why not? Hana and Blossom already went on to follow Aurene."

"They what?! No, Yurin. You're not going after them."

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