I'm Not Scared of Anything, But Losing You Would Be Terrifying

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Warning: Swearing and cuss words are present. Please read with caution, thank you!

Cruising down the alleyway with his Father right beside him in his Batmobile, the sirens of police cars rang in his ears.

They had received a call from Commissioner Gordon not too long ago, saying how Scarecrow had escaped from Arkham and is causing havoc in a café somewhere. It would've been fine to just leave it with the GCPD and a few from their team but some reported that he was making a new concoction of his Fear Gas. Something much more intense.

Skidding to a stop, he takes off his helmet and walks to where his Father and the police were conversing.

"Robin." the Dark Knight nods to him as he places himself next to his looming figure.

Crossing the police tape and getting inside the café, Robin comes face to face with Scarecrow. A gun in his hand, pointing at the hostages as he laughs maniacally.

"Scarecrow!" Batman calls from beside him, "Enough is enough! Let them go!"

The villain throws his head back and laughs loudly, earning a snarl from both of the vigilantes.

"You see, dear Batman,"—Scarecrow raises his gun— "I've been wanting to try my new experiment." he smirks at them and cocks his gun with his other hand.

"And you're just the right person for the job."

Not a second after, his goons began ambushing them.

Three goons began to circle him with their guns in hand and a demented smile on their face. If he hadn't seen Scarecrow command them himself, he might've thought that the Joker was the one leading the attack.

With quick work with his Batarangs, he swiftly flings their guns out of their grasps.

Seeing as how they're disarmed; one goon throws a punch to his face. Robin's hand immediately shots out and blocks his punch and twists it in a direction he was sure was not possible an arm could handle.

The goon screams in anguish, which gives Robin a momentum to punch him square in the face with his free hand and watches as the goon's nose drip with blood.

Dropping the now passed out goon, he turns to the other two goons and kneels down and pulls out a Bo Staff.

Letting out a battle cry, he lunges at them and whacks them to their side, which throws them to a few tables. The sound of cracks bringing satisfaction to his ears.

Finishing the goons, he turns to Scarecrow and sees him still sporting that smug smirk on his face. What's his motive? Why is he still smiling even though they're practically beating up his henchmen?

They briefly catch each other's eyes and the villain's smile grows even wider.

Robin scowls at the villain and readies himself in a battle stance.

Without even having the chance to take a step forward, Scarecrow raises his gun and shoots at his direction.

Quickly sidestepping the bullet, he looks back at the villain, "You should really work on your aim."

Scarecrow smirks at him mockingly, "Was I really aiming for you?"


He looks behind him and sees a tank of Scarecrow's Fear Gas punctured by his bullet.

Holy shit.

His eyes widen and he reaches to his utility belt to pull out a gas mask, but before he was able to put it on his face, a goon tackles him to the ground. Causing him to loosen his grip on the said mask.

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