A Dance Just Before Midnight

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...okay, I can explain *dodges a flying tomato*

I know I've been gone for a pretty long time *catches a flying shoe*

umm... can you also throw the pair of this? I need a pair to be able to wear this *dodges a flying toaster*

Hey! That's dangerous! *dodges a flying fork* pLEASE DON'T KILL ME

... *awkwardly coughs*Anywho, how have you all been? I hope you're all okay and well. If not, then, I hope you get better!

Life's just been pretty hectic. The last time I posted, I had exams lining up and a lot of homework and projects. Right now, my schedule's finally been pretty lenient and honest to God, my finals is just around the corner (my left brain: lol you call this lenient?) and after that I'm pretty much FREE! WOOHOOOOOOO

...uh yeah, that's that.

I'm also really sorry that I basically just went on like a semi???? hiatus???? but like not really????? I dunno???? The point is, I'm sorry for disappearing all of a sudden. I'm not dead don't worry (lol I wish). I'm still pretty much kicking and alive XD

On another note, I now have Patreon! :D (link is: https://www.patreon.com/unreachablevoice)

With this, you can have early access to chapters and some artworks. Honestly, I don't even know why I decided to create one. Just thought it'd be neat to you know earn income hahaha plus, with this, I think I'll finally stop being lazy (My right brain: but we need lots of breaks! My left brain: no) and at least try to post regularly/with a schedule ^^;

Okay, I think that's all??? I'll be posting approximately ummm 1 or 2 days from now??? I mean I already posted there on Patreon so umm yeah there's at least a one/two-day difference. But only today... or like the next few days??? Because the schedule that I came up with is like each chapter that I post, there's going to be at least a three/two-week space between and I'll post first on Patreon, then I'll post here on Tumblr and ao3 and wattpad after another week.

So, with that, I'll at least have some semblance of an organized life lol

Oof and also, I can see that people umm dmed(??? is that the right term????) me and oof okay I'm sorry I didn't answer, again, because of reasons, and I might answer umm later??? because I'm kinda nervous because I dunno what to say and why did y'all even dm(is? this? correct? or? not????) me but yeah I'm still pretty happy and if you wanna talk then go ahead and explode on my uhhh chat??? haha

So, yeah that's it. See y'all next time and stay tuned (for about like 2 or 3 days???) for the next chapter of Wear Your Heart On Your Wrist And Together, We'll Soar TO The Sky (gosh I really have to stop giving my fics long ass titles or at least give them an acronym.... maybe I'll call this one WYH, short for Wear Your Heart) although if you can't wait and want to be able to read it already, it's already up on Patreon!


This is not something I did on a whim just to spite those waiting for WYH because this is actually a homework of mine? Well, more like a Seatwork but like online lol at least now you can read this while waiting for WYH updates :)

This "seatwork" of mine was given to us by my teacher just this 10:00 in the morning and then told us to pass it on 12 noon so yeah imagine how I just basically speedrun this XD (it's beta'd tho just not that polished :/)

Anywho, the instructions are to listen to and then write a story based on what you heard or like just use it as inspiration or something so yeah hope you enjoy!


The soft, smooth surface of the glass reflected her figure on her bluebell eyes. The pink-red dress she designed herself fitted perfectly to herself. A black illusion neckline with pink lace swirled into intricate loops decorating the sleeves; the bodice, a soft, red fabric pulled into a fit to her tiny waist; and a soft, pink tulle covering the poofy, red skirt that ends just above her ankles.

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