"A Potter and a Malfoy..." Hermione whispered.

"Precisely. The bond they possess, is vastly different to the Phoenix bond. They have an Ormr bond."

"Ormr... meaning Dragon?" Hermione asked, her eyes widening.

"Indeed. This bond is clever. Very, very clever. It takes great skill to outsmart it. It's ancient, meaning the bond was weaved into Harry and Draco's bones nearly 2000 years before they were born. They were destined to be enemies in their youth. As were Aldrich and Dardanus. However, they came together once again, at Dardanus' trial, in which Aldrich spoke in favour of his freedom."

"What did Dardanus do?" Ron asked, slipping a lemon sherbet into his mouth.

"He was on trial, because he was a death eater. Forced into it, of course. His parents were... set in their ways, and wouldn't have a disappointment of a Son. They wouldn't stand for a son that disobeyed them. So they forced it on him."

"It's like- it's like history is repeating itself..." Hermione said.

Dumbledore nodded, "Exactly." And continued. "Eventually, Aldrich managed to get Dardanus pregnant, and they had a son. Arcturus Potter. He was killed by death eaters when he was 18, so Aldrich and Dardanus' siblings continued the line." Hermione nodded in understanding. "The two families, the Malfoy's and Potter's have since not interacted. Until now, that is."

"That's why the bond has shown itself. It's part of the Malfoy and Potter line." She concluded.

"Precisely. This is dark magic. And ancient too, it won't react well to being tampered with." He said.

Hermione paused for a moment, knitting her eyebrows together in a frown before she spoke again.

"Could you... could you tell me a little more about this Ormr bond, then?" She asked.

"Of course, however, my knowledge is limited. I do not share the bond that Harry and Draco do."

"It's okay... just- what ever you can tell us." Ron added.

"Very well... the Ormr bond is an ancient bond, that presents itself in the subjects, in this case, Harry and Draco, over 2000 years before birth. This, in turn, confirms their fate." Dumbledore took a deep breath. "It's a clever little bond, so it is. It's able to outsmart anybody that tries to tamper with it. Such as yourself. In this case, it's presented itself as a Phoenix bond, to steer you off track. The reason it does this is because it wishes to be solitary. It wants Harry and Draco and Harry and Draco only. This is why Draco has been getting so sick. It chops and changes from illness to illness, to try and take Draco and Harry away from everybody they've ever known, much like Aldrich and Dardanus. This bond wants the babies to itself. It doesn't want any more forms of human contact. Think of it as though it's allergic to human skin, except for Harry and Draco's. However, the bond tests its limits far too much for its own good. And if this isn't treated soon, the bond will kill Draco."

"Shit..." Ron whispered.

"The bond will take the shape of a completely different bond if it feels threatened. The only logical bond being my bond with Grindelwald, the Phoenix bond. However, only one of those exists. There will never be another. That's how I knew that Draco and Harry did not have the Phoenix bond."

"The books didn't tell us any of this..." Hermione mentioned.

"Of course they didn't. This is advanced magic. Far more advanced than a book could tell you about. And as far as we know, there is only one book about the Ormr bond. And it was written by Aldrich and Dardanus themselves. There is a single copy." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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