Chapter 34

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Lucky's POV

I remember being at the school and my head being in pain at one moment, and the next moment, I'm here lying in another hospital bed and my head still hurts, just not as much as earlier.

"Ugh... What happened?" I asked.

Almost immediately I heard AC's voice respond in a call for my name. "Lucky!!!" She sounded relieved. Assuming now that she is relieved that I'm awake, I don't even know how long I was out.

"Are you okay AC?"

"Yeah, just slightly hurt, maybe a broken leg. What about you?"

"Your leg is broken? What caused that?"

"I rushed them after they knocked you out and my leg that was already injured hit the desk at a fast speed."

"Ouch, that sounds like it hurt a lot."

"Yeah it did, I was in pain but they gave me pain killers and it doesn't hurt as much anymore. What about you?"

"Just a little headache, nothing else."

"Sounds better than my situation."

"I bet it does, I'd do anything though for our pain to switch."

"Why is that?"

"I both have this feeling, and I don't like seeing you in pain and hurt. I feel like I have to protect you, and that I failed since you got hurt more."

"Lucky, it's not your duty to be my knight in shining armor, I appreciate it, and it's not your fault. It's the people who caused it are to blame. You had no knowledge of the situation."

"You're right, but if they aim the gun at you, I wouldn't hesitate to run in front of the bullet for you."

"That's sweet. Thank you Lucky. But seriously don't do that. I can't lose you and if you are gone, I'd only blame myself for that."

"I think we should leave that conversation there before we go on about who gets to save the other." Another person said.

"Travis?" We both said looking at the door.

"Yep, are you guys better now?" He asked.

"Apart from my leg being broken, yes." AC said.

"Just a mild headache. Nothing else." I said.

"Okay, well that's not great, but I'm glad both of you guys are not in a Coma or something worse. It could have been way worse."

"Tell me about it." I said.

"You're right, you just got out of the hospital not too long ago. Well, hopefully you guys can get out of the hospital soon."

"I know, the quicker the better. Though, AC might be discharged later than me because she has a more serious injury."

"You're right, but both of us are definitely staying at least one night because your head still needs to be monitored incase something happens." AC said.

"Yeah, I'll probably be here still for the night."

"Then I'll be all alone..."

"What?" I asked.

"What?" AC repeated.

"You're not going to be alone."

"I didn't say that."

"I heard you say it."


"Well, regardless I'm staying with you till you're discharged. I don't want you to be alone here. I'm pretty sure your parents wouldn't be able to stay because they would have to work."

"Thank you Lucky."

"No problem. You basically did the same for me, but I was home when you started taking care of me more and more."

"You're parents had to keep working, and I was worried for you so I asked your parents, and they said they're fine with me watching you."

"I appreciate it, but I'm not a toddler."

"I know, but you're my bo- bestfriend."

"Wait what did you say?"

"Bestfriend. Why?"

"I thought you said something else."

"No, what did you think I said?"

"Nothing. It doesn't really matter."

I thought she was going to say a different word, one that gives an entire new meaning to our friendship. Boyfriend. That's what it sounded like she was going to say and if we were like that, I wouldn't say no. She's kind, cute, smart, but I don't want to do anything that could end up ruining our friendship. Also I still need to figure out who is Andree. I still haven't seen her yet, she could be on vacation, and she probably might not know who I am.

I need to confirm that I wasn't dating Andree before by asking her, because if I wasn't, I might go ahead and make a move on AC right now and ask her out, but also then again, I don't want to ruin our friendship.


I already slipped up twice now, first letting out the I'll be alone, I mean't to say that in my head, but that went out of my head and I spoke it. I feel quite embarrassed for saying that, I probably made Lucky feel bad. Also I almost let out that he was my boyfriend. I'm hoping he didn't catch onto it, but he's smart and there's probably a chance that he did catch onto it and knew what I said. He probably heard that I was going to say something then changed it to Bestfriend instead of boyfriend, hopefully he thinks I was going to say a different word instead of boyfriend.

Travis looked at me, and he knew exactly what I said, he kept making faces like "That was a close call." And other faces like putting his finger above his mouth to say like "Hush" or "Quiet."

Yeah I almost screwed up.

Chapter finished, sorry for the long delay, I'll try and get the next one up fast, but anyways stay tuned for the next chapter!

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