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he was there.

The unnerving feeling of being under someone's watch. It was there when you woke up; there when you drank that last drop of vodka; even when you brushed your teeth. The feeling never dropped.

"Good morning" you smiled and told your imaginary killer, looking at the blinds carefully. Before actually telling yourself that wasn't the case.

You turned off your alarm clock and stared into oblivion. Today happened to be another lackluster day where your existence probably didn't even matter.  

Waking up were two different things, you always told yourself. Waking up was exiting deep slumber, opening your eyes to the blinding lights of the sun filled curtains. Waking was laying there on the bed, thinking about life. The past, sometimes the present, never the future. Laying there having an existential crisis, sure is something you've never imagined having as a 21-year old office woman. Whilst, waking up, was actually doing shit, brushing teeth, cooking breakfast. You know all of that.

Enough said, about that sentimental shit.

You put your hair up lazily whilst walking down the stairs. This house was your parents', they moved out after financing your college fees and went to their super late overdue honeymoon of a lifetime. They go home at least thrice a year, but majority spend their days, country-hopping. Leaving you alone with this big-ass two-story rent-free house.

And he was there. Staring. It felt like it.

As if he wasn't a conspicuous motherfucker who sat right on the bush outside the window. Perks of living in your old house as an adult include knowing where the fuck and how the fuck things were placed. The green leafy bush felt off, you noticed this past few months, it was different ; it was bigger. As if someone was inside the bush. Maybe a phantom of your imagination, honestly, who knew right? But these months, felt like you were under a microscope, always observed, stared upon. And that feeling never left your skin.

You smized a bit towards its direction, also towards the back of your door, the television set, the painting, the staircase. At this point, you're smiling anywhere so that your imaginary killer, wouldn't find you dumbly smizing at places where he wasn't, as if in a reality TV show.

"Have you eaten yet?" You asked, and of course there was no response. "I made too much pancake?" At this point, you looked and felt like an old crazy woman looking everywhere for a sign of him (or her, you don't discriminate). You chuckled at your silliness and stopped.

Most people wouldn't believe you when you say you have a killer waiting for you at home, not that you've ever told anyone. It's not like you want him gone, you want you gone, get the job done. Plus, calling him Mr. Imaginary Killer, doesn't actually make you sound credible.

You told yourself, again and again while showering how nobody was there. Proving (and forcing) yourself it was just a trick of your own silly imagination, that came with living in the house alone. That did the trick, you weren't so afraid anymore.

"Fuck, I'm late" you mumbled as you fixed your things and started to head out.

"Aight, Imma head out" you mused to yourself. Also to your possible future killer-on-the-loose. You locked your house and caught the train. You sat down after running a long flight of stairs just to catch the train to your workplace. While the feeling of being watched never left, you let it be. It's been going on for months now, at this point you were practically waiting to be killed, this mf just won't end me already.

Ah yes, 30 minutes and 38 seconds. 5 minutes late though

You ran towards the near closing elevator, when you noticed a hand gently pressing on the sides of the elevator. You running in full speed, didn't anticipate a person holding the elevator just for you. You bumped and fell into his big-ass chest, and said

"fuck that hurts" as if you weren't the one at fault. And of course it had to be him.

"be careful (L/N)" he reprimanded, it was your boss Mr. Kim.

"I-I'll just get the next l-lift" you said, fuck being late I don't wanna ride with him.

"N-no" he grabbed your hand as you purposely backed off. He then took that as a sign to let go. "You won't clock in, on time"

Seokjin Kim the head of your company's department, a secretive man in his mid 20's. A very pretty and eligible bachelor if you say so yourself. Rumors were he practically owned the company because of how much equity he has over it. Rumors were rumors but the only thing you knew about him was; no one, and I repeat no one rode the elevator when he did, even other department heads and employees. You found yourself wondering why during the long elevator ride to the 12th floor, and why the fuck did fate bring you both together.

"L-long ride huh?" you awkwardly asked him. He rudely ignored you, but you persisted. But once he started to open his mouth to reply you already spoke and cut him off.

"Do yo-" he started.

"I like long" wait  "n-no, I mean, when I ride someone" shit "no, with  someone, I like long rides" you stammered quickly.

"elevator rides?" he asked monotonously that sounded like a statement more than a question. He looked above, probably to avoid looking directly at you.

"elevator rides" a pregnant pause filled the empty elevator before you spoke once more, "yes" you confirmed, visibly cringing at yourself and your awkward ass. The elevator dinged and you tried to get off quickly. If the word got out that, you, rode with him on an elevator ride. The whole department would talk about it. You gently, pushed his arm to get out first. Emphasis on the word, gently.

"I-" you reacted quickly, but it was too late the doors were closing and he was left inside standing with a shocked pikachu face onto another elevator journey. You stared at the elevator doors in shock until you heard the ding, once again.

"okay bye" you practically yeeted to your desk just to avoid him.

At this point all you were waiting for was your notice of termination. With that weird conversation and the fact that you were late. Just meant it was your time to go.

You sat down on your desk, sighing for the nth time today, thinking about he had no reason to fire you, or maybe he did. Thinking he'd scold you and hit you with that

"how dare you, I was rooting for you. We were all rooting for you" Tyra Banks style

'that mf was late too'. You absentmindedly thought of him the whole time you were working, fearing for your job that paid so fucking well. 

What you wouldn't know is that he would've loved if you thought about him constantly too. He would be over the roof if you told him that, he'd stutter as a reply, gaze at you longingly. He'd confess on following you to work every day, maybe you'll get that promotion, maybe a bouquet of red roses, maybe even a homemade meal. Then you'll both hurry home and cuddle after a long day pretending to not know each other at work.

He feels flustered just thinking about it as he stared at you scrutinizing your desktop, through the tinted glass walls of his office. You slyly pushing his arm that he evidently worked on this morning made him shocked at first, yes, but it also made him giggle like a child with candy. He sighed dreamily. He'd do anything to cloud your thoughts of him and only him,  as much as you clouded his.

"I guess, I won't be washing my whole arm this week" he smiled.

[A/N: proofread by minlew13 I love her thamk you <3]

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