Magnus snuggled closer and pouted earning a cute and quick kiss on his cheek. He sighed and rested his head on his boyfriend's chest. "Mom and dad were fighting again because of me, specifically about me being a drag queen. I couldn't stand it so I came here."

"Why don't your mom leave that son of a bitch? Sorry if I'm crossing my line but he's not even a good person. Why do you both live with him?" He asked as he ran his fingers through Magnus' soft hair making the man humm with the feeling.

"Mmmmmmmm.... keep doing, your hands are magical." Magnus snuggled closer and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his boyfriend's long fingers running through his hairs.

Alec sighed, knowing well what Magnus was doing. "I asked you something, Magnus." He said firmly and felt a long breath against his chest.

"Because he's my father and mom claims to love him and sees good in him even though he's a monster. I'm tired of telling her the same thing again and again and I can't leave her alone with him, so I can't leave either. Now please change the topic." He groaned and felt Alec tightening his hold around his waist.

"Sorry, didn't mean to upset you." Alec said in a low voice.

"It's okay, darling. Now can we just cuddle?" Alec hummed in response and wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist as they both just lay in each other's embrace in comfortable silence.

~~Stay with me a little longer
I will wait for you
Shadows creep
And want grows stronger
Deeper than the truth
I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you~~

After an hour, Magnus opened his eyes and noticed the time which made him quickly hop off of the bed waking up his boyfriend in the process who was having the most peaceful sleep he ever had.

"Crap! It's too late, I should get back before my father finds out I'm gone!"

"Mmmhmm... Magnus...?" Alec rubbed his eyes and looked at his boyfriend who was looking down at him with an apologetic look.

Magnus leaned down and quickly pecked his lips. "Sorry, I need to leave now." As he was about to walk towards the window Alec grabbed his wrist making him stop in his tracks and he looked towards his boyfriend only to notice his glossy eyes looking up at him pleadingly.

"Stay...." Alec softly whispered as a teardrop escaped from his eyes and fell on the pillow. Magnus' heart broke noticing the tears in his beautiful sapphire blue eyes.

"Hey..." He sat down beside his boyfriend and wiped those tears off. "Why are you crying, Alexander? We'll meet in a few hours."

"No... stay..." Alec pleaded and held on to Magnus' arms. He didn't want this moment to end. It was the most peaceful sleep he had in his whole life, without a nightmare, without getting frightened. He knew his feelings for Magnus was getting strong, he was becoming his rock. But he was scared to lose him, there were so many things he still hadn't told Magnus about him, his past, so he wanted to cherish every single moment spend with his boyfriend if he decides to leave him.

Alec's alarm suddenly buzzed getting them out of their trance-like state. Magnus reached out to pick his phone to shut off the alarm but his mouth fell open when he saw what the reminder attached with the alarm read. 'Summer Diamond's makeup tutorials and talk show- Episode 15.'

He turned the phone's screen towards Alec and a beetroot colored blush crept up from Alec's neck towards his cheeks as he quickly snatched the phone from his boyfriend's hand and cleared his throat.

"Really, darling? You watch my show in the middle of the night? I don't know what to say!" Magnus pursed his lips trying to suppress his smile making Alec glared at him and that was the cutest face he had ever witnessed.

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