29 - wADdle

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Elvis Presley

I'm such a dumb bitch

Elton John

what else is new?

in a moment of panic,
I told Seb that my baby
daddy is dead

omfg ur life is a soap

ik and now he's claiming
that he's gonna help raise
my dead baby daddy's
baby when it's his the whole

ik and now he's claimingthat he's gonna help raisemy dead baby daddy'sbaby when it's his the wholetime

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the fuck am I gonna do
when he remembers and
repeats all the shit back
to me?

he's gonna fucking use
it against me!

that's ur problem

he even mocks me saying
I waddle

u do

I'm not that far along to
waddle. I haven't started

keep telling yourself that

omfg I'm done
I gtg tell Chris happy

good luck

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