3 - dUmb aMnESiaC biTCh

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Mr. Amnesia:

Why are there pictures of me
online with that singer and
put beside this other guy?

Anthony Mackie:

because u saved her from
that dick. He was abusive
to her and u saved her
from him. But he's out of
jail somehow

That's why

And stop going online, u
dumb amnesiac bitch

but I can't remember any
of it and nobody is telling
me anything since everyone's
afraid that my brain will
turn to mush if I know what
happened in the last two

a lot has happened and the
doctors say u have to figure
it out on ur own and it sucks
I wanna tell u everything but
that isn't what the doc

the doctors suck

if u don't figure it out in 3
months, I'll tell u everything
but u can't go looking online
and especially not on gossip

fine we got a deal and you
better tell me everything

I will

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