26 - aLriGhT

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Cocoa Pebbles

how's the amnesiac?

Fruity Pebbles

he's doing alright. He woke
up with a migraine this
morning and so he's in a
room of darkness sleeping


make sure he eats and
drinks a lot of water

I know how to take care of

I know but he's just a baby
speaking of babies, how's
satan's spawn?

doing just fine with all the
shit I go through and I'm
gonna pretend that u didn't
just put satan

Okay... but I meant Stan's

we both know u didn't

anyways... if you need a
break, text me and I'll
come over or send
someone to take care of

I know

we can't have you going
into a dark place too.
Have you been seeing
your therapist?

yeah saw her last week

good. How about the vagina

omfg of course I'm seeing
my OB. I'm not stupid

just making sure


I'll see you and the baby daddy
sometime soon

ok bye


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