20 - tRy HaRDer

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Sebastian opened the door expecting it to be Anthony. Instead it's this woman. He doesn't recognize her one bit.

"Oh my god, baby, you look so good," she said with a sweet smile that didn't sit well with Sebastian at all.

"I- I don't know y-you," Sebastian said.

"Baby, I'm your fiancé, Amanda," she said holding up her left hand where a diamond ring resides on her ring finger. "Do you not remember me? Did you get the pictures I sent you?"

Amanda looks at him all heartbroken and almost devastated when he shakes his head no. He's all tense in his bones and so confused. He doesn't know her. She's not somebody he trusts. He's got the feeling in his gut to run away.

"You- you should g-go. I- I don't know y-you. You're- you're not my fiancé," Sebastian stuttered out.

This Amanda pulls out a knife on him. He freezes. Her face changes almost completely. It's like a new person has taken over.

"You are mine!" She hissed backing him up.

She slams the door shut and locks it.

"You've always been mine!" She screamed. "You're mine and nobody else's! Not Presley's! Not Margarita's! Not Leighton's! Not Dianne's! Nobody else but mine!"

"I'm not yours!" Sebastian yelled.

She immediately went after him with the knife and he holds his hands up. She moves to stab him and she stabs him in his right hand straight through. She yanks it out and he gasped. He's terrified.

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" She screamed and swung again.

She cuts his bicep. He fights back this time. It's a struggle. She stabs him three times. One in the shoulder. One in the abdomen. One in the chest and that's where the knife stays. He's gasping for air. He collapses to the floor and there's knocking on the door.

"Stan! Open the door! You can't be lockin' it on me!" Anthony said.

Amanda heads to the door but not without grabbing a chef's knife off the cutting board. She unlocks the door and opens it. Sebastian tries to call out 'no' but it's hard to breath with a knife in his lung. The detective shoots her down before Amanda can stab again. Anthony rushes past to get to Sebastian. The second detective immediately calls for an ambulance.

"Hey, keep those eyes open. They're somebody's home and she can't lose them just yet," Anthony said applying pressure to both his shoulder and the wound in his abdomen.

"P-P-Presley?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, man. I know you want her. You can't go yet. And definitely not because of a psychopath stabbing you. You still got that amnesia shit and you gotta remember the last two years," Anthony said. "I cannot handle Tom Holland without you."

"I'm- I'm t-trying," Sebastian breathed out.

"Try harder," is all Anthony can say.

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