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parkdaily Going out for a girl's day today 😊 #ootd #parkdaily
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seosooah Yessss we are 😌😌😌
———parkdaily So excited! 😉
parkminhee Watch out kids, the Park sisters are coming through ✨
———parkdaily Yes we are 😌
wwhksj The fit tho 🤩
———parkdaily I live to serve 😜
jiminparktraining U girls be careful out there 👀
———parkdaily Yes Sir!
parkdailyfan1 Omggg that outfit 😍
parkdailyobsessed I'm jealous of how beautiful you are 🥺
realkimdaily Have fun baby 🤗
———parkdaily Don't miss me too much 😉
———————realkimdaily Impossible 🥺
princessparkm Did u like my gift?

9k commentsseosooah Yessss we are 😌😌😌———parkdaily So excited! 😉parkminhee Watch out kids, the Park sisters are coming through ✨———parkdaily Yes we are 😌wwhksj The fit tho 🤩 ———parkdaily I live to serve 😜jiminparktraining U girls be careful ...

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80k people liked this
realkimdaily Hanging with the boys #ootd #kimdaily #RealMe
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hobihopedance Hanging w da bros 😎
———realkimdaily Omg no 🙃
jjktraining We are the boys 🤪
———realkimdaily lmaoo yes 😂
95kthandsome Omg we're gonna play so many video games
———realkimdaily U mean u and JK are gonna play so many video games
minsugapd Sigh
———realkimdaily Dont act as if ur the one who doesn't get drunk first hyung 🙄
wwhksj Am I supposed to be the DD again
———realkimdaily I cant drive and ur the oldest so yes 😌
jiminparktraining This is gonna be so hype
———realkimdaily U know it
princessparkM Ohh so she won't be around u boys to protect her
parkdaily Ok but me with the girls >>>>>>>> you with the boys 😘
———realkimdaily Nah u got it all wrong baby ❌
Minyoung POV

"Alright ladies, operation help me find Namjoon a birthday gift is a go," I said.

I linked arms with the girls and headed into the mall for a much needed break.

Namjoon's birthday was in a few days and I was in dire need of getting him a gift as good as the ones he got me.

I played with the little locket, thinking hard about what he would like. He was a rustic and vintage soul so I wanted to get him something along those lines, but I was broke as heck. I didn't have enough money to afford anything near the amount he spent for my birthday.

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