Chapter 6 ^-^

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Elizabeth POV

I actually thought that what they would make me wear would have no fashion at all but it did actually. Of coarse it was still awful, but in a different way. I at first tried to bargain out of it so eventually we agreed on an outfit.

Trust me, it was much worse before. 

***************************At school***********************************************8

"Ugh you don't have to ,like, walk me everywhere. I am 17." I sass.

"Hmm, getting your act on hunh." Wyatt said.

"Nope, just imagining how good it would feel to slap you." I smile.

"We are here." Will said. I groan. I get that I have to keep the act up but why oh why do I have to go to school! Time to show everyone who's boss. I step out of the car and sashay towards the school. I sway my hips. I could already see boys drooling at me. I just put on my 'I get that I am pretty but really, drooling!' face. I hear someone bound up behind me. A crowd had already formed. I spun around. It was Owen, Olly, and Wyatt, the 3 brothers that went to my school.

"What do you want?" I say in a annoyed tone. I hear quite a few gasps from the crowd. Looks like they haven't realized I am their sister. Owen scowled.

"Now, now that is no way to talk to your brothers is it." Olly said in a placating tone. I hear fewer gasps this time. A girl standing up to the boys is less common then the girl being their sister. These people need to get their priorities straight.

"What do you want?" I repeat. 

"Oh, nothing just a goodbye kiss and to walk you to your class." Wyatt said smoothly. The girls in the crowd awwed. I even thought I heard some boys do it too. I make a face as first Wyatt then Olly then Owen kiss me on the cheek.

"Fine, my first class is art." I tell them. They nod and we walk to art. When we were walking through an empty hallway, Wyatt stopped.

"What is it!"I said annoyed. 

"I know it may seem that we don't care, but if anyone tries to bully you or hurts you in anyway. Tell us, ok, and we will take care of it." Wyatt said. If only they knew, but I appreciated the gesture. I went inside class.

"Oh My God! You are one of their brothers!!!" A pretty girl came up to me and said. She had 3 girls behind her. "You know I am probably one of the most popular girls in the school, maybe you could talk to your brothers about me? By the way my name is Cho." Cho was a pretty Asian girl. I knew school was sort of like a zoo so I would in a way I would have to show her I was boss.

"Hmm, I don't know, really. If I could do that, I mean." I say. Cho seemed to understand what I was playing at.

"Of coarse of coarse." She replied eagerly. She understood what I was playing at, probably too much.

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