Chapter 5

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Elizabeth POV
"Ughh 5 more minutes." I groan "Also you aren't allowed in my room!" Olly and his twin I-Forgot-His-Name (a/n I actually forgot his name :)) were jumping all over my bed trying to get me up.

"Yeah, well Will is in charge and he told us to get you up." Olly's twin said.

"Mom said I was in charge too!" I say indignantly.

"Yeah, well none of us accept your leadership so too bad!" Olly said. I frown.

"Then I don't accept his leadership!" I said childishly.

"Hmm, here's the thing, there more of us then you so we can make you do it." He grinned. They wouldn't be able to force me into anything if they wanted to but I would have to fake weakness. I groan.

"Get up or we will call all the other boys in." Olly said. They had stopped jumping on the bed so I curled up into a ball and pretended to fall back asleep.

"You made your choice." He smirked. "Fire!" All the boys rushed in. I was impressed with there bravery at first but then realized it could be some sort of code too.

"Our dear dear sister Bethy-" I growl at the name. "has decided not to get up." Olly finished.

"Will ,do your thing." Olly's twin said. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up. Will slung me over his shoulder and started bouncing me. Oh, how I wanted to pummel him to the ground but I had to be satisfied with scratching his back viciously to get him off of me and calling to Bloom. Bloom had been sleeping in the couch in my room, woke up. She knew how important it was to facade up so she to started trying to get me off with only a small fraction of her strength. I started feeling queasy and all I wanted to do was get off of him. Thankfully my training had prepared me so that I wouldn't lose control. Eventually I would have to stop but now was not the time for me. For a normal girl with no training at all this would eventually be too much so I did what a normal girl would do.

"Stop! Stop, please. I'll get up. I"LL GET UP." I screech. The boys chuckle as Will put me down. "You all are so mean. I could have died!" I complain.

"Stop acting." Wyatt said.

"I wasn't" I mutter.

"Anyways, In our high school it goes from 16 years to 22 like all others but not to brag but the Smithers well we are the most popular in the school and you are gonna be new there. At first we were planning on just ignoring you and like pretending you weren't our sister so that you know our reputations wouldn't be tarnished if you weren't popular material, but last night you showed us that you could be very popular because you can act like them so we have decided to take you under our wing." Wyatt said proudly. I just grimace.

"Why does make me think I have to act and be popular? Also why does this make me think I will have to wear some sort of 'costume' or make-up." I say.

"Cause you will!" Owen said cheerfully (a/n I remembered his name!)

"I think I'm gonna pass!" I say cheekily.

"That is not an option." Olly said firmly.

"Yeah we already got an outfit ready for you!" Owen said smiling. What did I get myself into?

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I stayed up till 11 trying to finish the chapter but I had to go to bed. Thats why I am publishing it today instead of yesterday.

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