Chapter 2

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Elizabeth POV

I led the boys through my mansion. I know, I know, I said it was the family mansion but really it was a barely used Elite base that I just happened to own. I had shown them the kitchen , living room, dining room, media room, breakfast room, second dining room, and game room.

"This is the exersize room." I showed them the room filled with punching bags and other exercize tools. "It is for everyone but I probably use it the most. There is another exersize room specifically for me. None of you are allowed in it! Get it?" I said.

"Maybe if you show it to us then we won't get lost and won't go in?" said Olly. It seemed like he wanted to make me mad.

"The room next to the exersize room is mine. Ok." I sighed. I move to the next hallway. "Everything from this onwards is oflimits." I pointed out 6 hallways.

"My room is the last of limits place." I point to the door opposite of where we were. "None of you are aloud in there. None!"

"This is so annoying. The whole house is basically off limits!" Owen said. He crossed over and went into my room. The others followed him. I ran in after them.

"I said it was off limits!" I yell. I mentally applaud myself for keeping he disguise of my room. It had pink walls and lots of posters.  What they didn't realize was behind one of my posters was a control panel that controls everything in the house. There were others too but this was the one I used the most often. It also had a lever that led to a secret room.

"What? You didn't want us to see how you love pink? What are you gonna do? Huh!" Owen taunted me. The last part was because I slapped him.

"What did you do!" Will said grabbing my arm. "I get He was taunting you but that doesn't mean you can resort to violence."        Owen groaned.

"Don't be a baby! I am 2 years younger then you, idiot!" I said. 

"But it actually hurt!" Owen complained.

"Ugh! Why are my teenage rebellion hormones kicking in now! Get out! Your rooms are next to mine or the one we are in now. I don't expect you to find them though, you are to dumb." I shew them off to go to there rooms. I sigh once they leave. That could've gone real bad. 

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