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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

Inko gently placed one hand over Izuku's shaking one, attempting to calm his nerves whilst doing the same for herself. Today was the day . . . The day she would be getting surgery. If the woman were being honest, she was not entirely too sure on how to feel precisely-- so many emotions flooding through her veins; pulling her this way and that way. It was conflicting in a sense, not knowing what emotion to feel, not knowing what to say, not knowing anything at all. Everything felt like it was happening so quickly, barely giving her brain time to process all of this new information down.

It felt as though just yesterday she was being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It felt as though just yesterday all hope of her having the beautiful life she had always dreamed of swished down the drain. It felt as though just yesterday all hope was lost . . . But now she was here, really here. 

Now, the only thoughts that ever passed in and out of her mind were filled with life, joy, and all things beauty. There was hope in her heart yet again and it felt pretty damn good to have there once more. Like a bittersweet reconnection. Of course, there were underlying worries mixing in with said thoughts; What if this all goes wrong? What if I die in the middle of the procedure? But when she would turn to her side, her eyes would lock with her boys, her babies,  and all the 'What if's' just seemed to disappear into thin air.

In fact, having them there only drove her to go forward-- to have faith that all would be well at the end of the day. Because not only did she have Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki-- but she also had just recently developed a soft spot for Eri and Hitoshi. And she'd be damned if she didn't get to spend time with the siblings. 

Speaking of the brother and sister, the two hadn't been back to the Aizawa residence in the past week or so; their father didn't bother them throughout that seven day period. And they didn't bother him as well. Of course, Hitoshi had gone back the next day and gathered a few of their belongings once Inko suggested that they stay with her for as long as they wanted.

Hitoshi had come to grow a soft spot for the woman as well, and not just because she's his boyfriend's mother. He genuinely cared for and respected Inko. Naturally, Eri absolutely adored Inko-- the little girl more than thrilled to spend time with somewhat of a mother figure.

Growing up with nothing but men around could be tiring.

Izuku was just thrilled that everything seemed to be working out okay. Of course, just like his mother, he couldn't help but allow his mind to wander to all the 'What if's' this surgery could bring. But in the end, he was just euphoric that it was all working out.

And Bakugou and Todoroki? Well, the two were doing just fine. Were they worried about Inko going into surgery today? Obviously. But they were both relieved it would all almost be over in a matter of hours. As for the two and their relationship . . . well, they were going on strong.

"Inko Midoriya?" A petite nurse piped up from by the door leading to the back, "We're ready for you,"

"You'll be fine," Hitoshi hummed, gently patting the woman on the back. 

"Yeah, mom, we'll all be right here waiting for you when it's over," Izuku chimed in, giving his mother a light kiss to the temple.

"And if anything does go wrong me and Hitoshi will just sue the place for ya!" Eri beamed, teeth gleaming in the lucent hospital lights-- her two front teeth still missing. "So don't worry,"

Todoroki and Bakugou each whispered reassuring things into the woman's ear, in return receiving kisses on the forehead from her. "Alright, let's get this over with, yeah?"

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