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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

Izuku choked back the tears as he stared down at the check in his hands, in utter, complete, disbelief. There was no way in hell this was real, right? He had to be dreaming . . . because there was no absolute fucking way he had a check for sixty five thousand dollars (65,000) in his hands- and for a couple of measly pictures he took.

"I- I can't accept this I-"

"Why? Oh, I know, is the price too low- we can go higher if you want-" Laine started, all ready pulling her checkbook back out from her purse. "- maybe one hundred thousand? Hitoshi told me these are one of a kind, that you haven't sold these specific pictures to anyone- so I'm willing to pay whatever."

The freckled male released a amalgam sound between a breathy chuckle and a surprised scoff. "I- you know what give me your contact information . . . and after the party me and you can talk, okay?" Izuku said, needing to give himself time to wrap his head around things.

"Oh, of course! I hope to hear back from you soon though, word is starting to spread about you and I heard someone talking about asking you about some photos. I would hate to miss out on them," Laine chuckled, adding her number into his phone.

Before the two could talk any further on the matter, a blond man from afar began to call for Laine to come over. The two looked oddly similar to one another, same blond hair and dazzling clear blue eyes.

"I have to go, that's my dad- but again, I hope to hear back from you first?" The blonde asked, giving the younger a light smile.

Izuku nodded his head absentmindedly, still a bit flabbergasted about the whole ordeal. "Uhm, yeah- yeah, of course." He stammered, nodding his head excessively.

As soon as she left, Izuku began to stumble around the room- in search of a certain purple eyed man. He had to find Hitoshi, so many emotions were flooding through Izuku at the moment . . . but the two that stood out the most to him were appreciation, and relevance.

Never, not even once, in the past three years has Izuku ever felt this relieved. For once in his life since this entire cancer situation popped up he actually had hope that things would work out. That things would be okay. And in spite of Hitoshi's obvious lie, which he would scold the man on later, Izuku wanted nothing more than to thank him.

To tell him how grateful he was, and how much he cherished Hitoshi.

"Eri? Hey, kiddo have you seen your brother?" Izuku asked the little girl, trying not to sound too pressed for answers. But knowing her she most likely picked up on it anyway . . . and boy was he right on that one.

"Depends, why do you need to see him so badly?" Eri countered, cocking a snowy eyebrow. "And don't even try and deny it ZuZu, I can hear the urgency in your voice."

Izuku heaved a sigh, gnawing on his lip for a few moments before answering. "Look, he did a really nice thing for me and I need to thank him." He said quickly, tapping his finger on his knee. "So where is he?"

The white haired girl sighed sassily, pointing a lazy finger towards the kitchen. "He just went in there a few minutes ago,"

And with that, Izuku took off into a full sprint towards the kitchen door. Maneuvering his way past the small groupings of people while trying to maintain his balance on the way. Once he reached the kitchen door he pushed his way through, thankful to find that only Hitoshi was there.

The elder was by the makeshift bar area, pouring himself some wine- seeing as though everyone had all ready drank all the champagne. His back slightly facing the door as he slowly sipped from his drink. Izuku couldn't help but take notice of how handsome he looked . . . especially in that tuxedo he was wearing-

'Focus Izuku!' He scolded himself, shaking away those thoughts.

"Hitoshi?" Izuku voiced, easily catching the man's attention.

"Oh . . . hey," Hitoshi greeted awkwardly, not exactly knowing how to talk the green eyed boy now. "What's up?"

"Don't act so damn nonchalant!" The younger chuckled, trying but failing to keep his tears away. "Why'd you do it? You told her I was- and then she-" Izuku stammered, opening his mouth only to clasp it shut. After repeating this motion a few times, Izuku heaved a sigh.

"Thank you, words can't even begin to express how much this means to me Hitoshi." He hummed, with a broad smile. A sense of weightlessness pouring over his heart. As Izuku rubbed his cheeks softly, for his face hurt form smiling so much.

Hitoshi offered the younger a light grin of his own, shifting his body so he was leaning back against the counter.

"You really don't have to thank me Izuku. Todoroki kind of just told me about . . . well, nearly everything. Sorry about your mom by the way. But uhm, I don't I just wanted to help out- and then I thought of your pictures." He explained, keeping his eyes trained on the red liquid sloshing around in his wine glass.

As Hitoshi continued to ramble about why, and how he decided to help out Izuku- said green haired male couldn't help but stare at him. But really stare at him. Not just for the simple facts of admiring his looks either.

Hitoshi's warmhearted, and attentive tone of voice cut through the air- pouring into Izuku's ears as he drank in each and every words that spilled from his lips. The intense gaze that the elder held, brows slightly raised as he Hitoshi, too, found himself staring at Izuku as he spoke. Attempting his hardest to convey his emotions into simple, yet considerate words.

And Izuku knew that. He could hear it. He could see. He could feel it.

Nobody has ever done something like this for Izuku. Not ever. And the fact that Hitoshi did . . . only made the attraction he held for the man swell immensely.

"Look, Izuku," Hitoshi began, as a cold tremor of unease pooled down his back. "I- I like you."

There. He had said it. 

At first Hitoshi thought that would be it. That he would say it and the rest would just work itself out but . . . then he began to get submerged with every single memory he had of the boy.

And Hitoshi Shinso found himself pouring his heart out.

"You know what? Fuck that. I don't like you-" Izuku could feel the beating of his heart slow and dwindle as his face blanched at the man's words. "- Izuku I care about. I want to do everything in my power to make sure you're happy and taken care of. 'Like' doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of how I feel about you."

"Now I can't say it's love, because if I'm being honest with you I'm not sure what real love is. But God damn it, I want to learn what that feels like- and I see myself doing that with you." Hitoshi said tumultuously. "I- I want you. And only you."

Izuku gazed up at him, and soon enough it registered just how close he and Hitoshi had now become. He could feel the other male's wine scented breath draping across his features and adorning them; filling his nostrils with a muted sting.

Nothing but pure silence licked the atmosphere as Izuku attempted and failed to form a coherent sentence. So instead, he did the next best thing-

He connected their lips.

Soft flesh affixing with each other, as huffs of air were exhaled from their noses- not being quite enough for them. But they didn't care. Izuku's fingers became taut and firm as they interlocked in Hitoshi's soft locks of hair. Lightly tugging, as he pulled he and the boy closer together- the two stumbling back until Hitoshi was once again pressed against the counter.

They parted briefly, only to devour each other once more. That is until-

"Okay, I let you two have your kiss without interrupting this time- but you're blocking the way to the good shrimp!" Eri whined.

Hello Cricket Cultists!!

Did I just write and entire 26 minute long Q and A chapter, only to turn around and write this for ya guys? Yes. Yes I did. Now I will officially try and go to sleep.

Until we meet again!!!

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