"Like I said, you weren't supposed to get rid of Weiss like that. He was a big part of some stuff in a couple of years. Now that all has changed. I presume besides feeling ill you are experiencing other side effects? Perhaps, that mental bond has diminished?" Barry angrily looked away but I nodded to let him know he was right. "It will come back. Don't worry. You've still got hard times to come, and good times as well. I almost wish I could be there for them," he remarked wistfully, his gaze lowering and away from us. I sent a confused look at Barry, but he was still angry and kept looking away. Wells/Thawne shook his head and sent me a tight lipped smile. "You will be fine. Time will sort itself out. In the mean time you should rest. This is how I felt for a while after I-"

"Don't. Even. Say it." I gave a stern look and moved to stand in front him him. He chuckled and raised his hands in defense.

"Alright, alright. I'll back off for now. In the mean time, feel free to ask any questions that might be bothering you. You know where to find me." He backed up to lean against the wall of the cell. Barry huffed and gave me a light kiss on the forehead before saying something about getting Cisco and left. I turned back to Thawne who had Wells' smirk plastered on his face. I sighed. "Go ahead, ask."

"Am I really going to get better?" He nodded.

"You will. It'll be sooner than you think, too. You'll be fine."

"How come talking to Caitlin made me feel better?" I inquired.

"How do you know it was talking to her that made you feel better?"

"It was kind of obvious since I felt awful and after talking to her my vitals suddenly got better," I rolled my eyes. He nodded,

"Yes, that was something that was supposed to happen, her and Ronnie getting married. I believe it was her telling you about it and catching you up with the correct timeline that made you feel better." I understood what he was saying, but it still felt too sci-fi fantasy for it to be real. I tried to think of anything else I could ask before he gets sent off.

"What about those monthly checks to me, did you do that? My parents were never able to find out about the origin of them, and I could never understand why you might possibly do that." He sighed,

"Yes, those were me. I had a fortune, what's a few thousand here and there for you?"

"Okay, but why?" he rolled his eyes.

"Look, I may be a villain to you guys but you forget: we are family. Though you pass very soon, your grandson- my second cousin twice removed- started to develop a technology that could bring you back. His daughter then carried it on and was able to bring you back. You had all of your memories from now and were devastated to hear what happened, but you were always sweet to me. Mostly because I was a direct descendant of your brother, who I actually looked quite a bit like when I was younger. Of course, what I am doing now had not yet happened so you had no biases against me yet. You were always fun to be around.

"My parents were never the types of parents they should have been, but they knew what you meant to my family, as you become quite famous, so you were around a lot. I felt normal around you. You made me feel," he paused for a moment, leading me to believe it could be the end of his sentence. He inhaled through his nose and closed his eyes, looking like he was trying to calm himself down. He then smiled up at me, "You made me feel loved. I was hoping helping you throughout your life I could help bring some comfort, seeing as I put you in the position you were in." I felt weirded out and gross hearing his story.

"That's a bit much for me to take in. I am not so sure I'm happy with your response. But- thank you, for telling me." I felt a lump in my throat. I either wanted to throw up or I had really bad heart burn. "I have one last question."


"Why is Barry helping you? I understand he wants you gone, but I feel like he wouldn't want to send you back to your own time. What convinced him?" He smirked that stupid fucking smirk and I knew I was going to hate this answer too.

"I told him he could go back and save his mother by sending me home." My eyes widened.

"But, the repercussions- didn't you tell him? It could change everything. He can't-"

"He seems pretty set on doing so. I am not so sure you can stop him." Thawne shrugged and I glared at him.

"You can't let him do that! I know what he wants but it just isn't going to fix anything-" a voice cut me off,

"You can't stop me, Murray. I've made my decision. I didn't want you to find out this way, but I have to do it. I have to save my mom." I turned around with tears in my eyes.

"If you do that, everything will change. I will never meet you. We won't be together," my voice cracked. His face scrunched up with anger.

"I have a chance to bring back my mom and that's all you care about?"

"You don't care about it at all? How could you decide to do something so drastic, something that effects everyone, and not tell me?" His face softened but was still annoyed.

"Look, you can't change my mind. I at least have to try. Thawne will be gone, and who knows. We might still end up together," he reached for my hand but I drew back from him. I glared at him before pushing past him and walking out, turning back once more to say,

"I wish I was still unconscious. Then I wouldn't have to experience you breaking my heart just now. For once, Barry, I wish you wouldn't run into this."


Wooooow update after wayyyy too long. It's been almost a year! Hope the few of you still reading get to this update. It's not edited much, so let me know if you guys still enjoy this!

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