I was on my way to my father's study with a bundle of files and papers when the doorbell rang. One of the maids bustled past me into the entrance hall. 'Good evening Sir! Welcome to the Kamei residence. May I inquire as to your name and purpose?' I hesitated outside the room, curious as to who was making house calls at this time when he answered.
'Kyoya Ootori. Could you inform Seina-san of my arrival? I'm afraid she's not expecting me.'
'Of course Ootori-sama! My deepest apologies for not recognising you! Please come inside! Kamei-sama has directed that you are always welcome. I will fetch Seina-sama!' Once she had disappeared I slipped into the entrance hall.
'Kyoya. What are you doing here?' I kept several paces between us as his eyes traced my shape, waiting for his response.
'I needed to talk to you.'
'Kyoya-kun! What a lovely surprise! What brings you here? Oh Seina there you are, Mayuri-san said she couldn't find you.' My mother frowned at our newest maid before turning back to Kyoya then back to Mayuri-san. 'Mayuri-san, why does Kyoya-kun still have his coat?'
'Oh...I um...I'm terribly sorry! Ootori-sama, may I take your coat?'
He removed his coat and handed it to her smoothly. 'Thank you.'
Once the maid was gone my mother returned her attention to Kyoya. 'So Kyoya-kun, what brings you here?'
'I simply had something to discuss with Seina and didn't get a chance at school.'
'How thoughtful, making such an effort. Well if you want anything one of the maids will help you out. Seina are those for your father?'
'Yes, I-'
'Don't worry, I'll take them. Off you go.' Then she two was gone.
I led him through the house, keeping my voice low so as not to alert Tatsuo to his presence. 'It's weird, you've been here several times but never seen my chambers.'
He watched me carefully as we walked, keeping a respectful distance. 'I suppose that is weird.' The physical need to reach out and touch him was almost overwhelming but I restrained myself. I felt like things between us were something for me that my family didn't need or get to know about.
'After you.' I said sending him in first and closing the door behind us.
I'd barely turned around when his lips crashed against mine and then my fingers were tangled in his hair and his were on my face and hips. Heat and electricity released to run riot between us.
When we finally drew apart, breathless and disheveled, I was laughing softly. Content. 'Was that what you wanted to discuss?'
He shook his head, drawing me to him. 'No.'
'So what was it?'
He paused for a moment as if weighing up his options. 'You don't have to do this test-of-courage event if you don't want to. I'll get you out of it. Just ask me to do it.' His thumb gently stroked my cheek but his expression was serious.
'I won't be seen as a coward Kyoya.'
'I will devise a plausible excuse.'
'It's not necessary. I'll be fine.' I said becoming irritable at his insistence.
'It will be nighttime and it will be dark.'
'And I will be fine. I appreciate your concern but it's hardly necessary, Kaoru has sorted it.'
'I don't want you putting yourself in a situation where you're vulnerable.'
'And I don't want a fiancé who has no faith in me. I said I'll be fine!'
He pulled away slightly, straightening his back. 'I want to know what Kaoru has sorted.'
'Why do you need to know? What is with you today?'
'Tell me.'
'Jack-a-lanterns! Now get out!' I regretted the words almost as soon as they left my mouth. I didn't mean it. Even if he did piss me off like no one else.
He gave me a wounded look and pushed his glasses up his nose. 'I see.'
'Kyoya I-'
He cut me off. 'Seina I love you.' When I said nothing he took my forearms and stared at me with that shocking intensity. 'Do you understand? I love you.' I gave a small nod and he took my face in his hands, pressing his forehead to mine. 'I love you. Even if it drives you insane and you can't stand me, I am always going to want to protect you. I will always put you first. Even if no one else does or has. I will. I love you.' He kissed me softly. 'And I do believe in you. I believe in your strength and your intelligence and your willpower. I know that you could take on the world and win, that you don't need me. But don't push me away.'
His words stunned me to silence and I stared into those intense brown eyes, feeling his warm breath on my face, his forehead against mine. 'You're wrong you know.' I whispered, my lips brushing against his. 'I do need you.'
Then I was kissing him and tugging him to my bedroom, never breaking contact till I lay down on the bed and pulled him down on top of me.
'Stay.' I murmured, an hour or so later.
He gave me a wry smile and sat up with obvious reluctance. 'I can't. I'll see you in the morning.' He pressed a quick kiss to my lips. 'I love you.'
'I love you too.' I sighed, disappointed that he was leaving.
'Goodnight Seina.'

Resisting Temptation (A Kyoya Ootori Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now