Thirty Two;

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"Zahara, darling! So glad you could make it!" my aunt Theresa gushes, rushing towards me with open arms. Her perfume smelt like an old, rundown charity shop, and her hair was big and fuzzy, almost as though she had been electrocuted. But, in reality, she was just my crazy aunt Theresa.

"Wouldn't miss it," I smile, hugging her back. I wasn't exactly pleased to be here, but it was nice to be nice when it was somebody's birthday event. Even if it was difficult.

"Your mother," Theresa begins, pulling out from the hug. "Is driving me bonkers," she laughs, shaking her head. I noticed how she carried a glass of champagne. It was a wonder to me how she hadn't spilt it upon hugging me.

"What's she done now?" I ask, trying my best to sound all parts enthusiastic, no parts miserable.

"She's just so 'her', isn't she?" she chuckles, rolling her eyes.

"That she is," I agree, knowing exactly what she meant.

The party was being held at my aunt's house, which was huge. After divorcing her rich husband, Eric, last year, she used his money to buy herself a home even bigger than their last. It was unnecessary, given that she now lived entirely alone, but rich people were weird like that.

Due to the size of both the house and the party, I had no clue as to where my parents were, or where Salma and Daniel were. I didn't mind so much, naturally, but I knew that if I didn't somehow find them, I'd be in trouble.

"I should go find mum and dad. Have you seen them?" I ask Theresa, who's arm had linked through mine as she slowly moved through the masses of people, giving them all smiles.

"Not recently, darling. Though, I do have a feeling that Salma is in the second dining room. Or, she was before you arrived." my aunt informs me.

"Brill, thanks, aunt Tee. I'll come find you later on. Happy birthday," I smile, giving her a small peck on the cheek, but holding my breath so as not to smell her putrid perfume, before walking away to find Salma.

Theresa was correct; Salma was still in the second dining room. The first dining room was filled with food, so I had found upon inspection, and the second was just for eating, I suppose.

"Sam, hi," I say, walking over to my pregnant sister. Her belly was growing, and it almost made me excited for the birth of the little girl.

"Oh, Zee! You made it!" she smiles, placing the hors d'oeuvre down onto a small china plate.

"Of course," I say.

"Enjoy the drinks whilst you can," she sighs. "These events are no fun when you can't get drunk," she chuckles.

"Yeah, rather you than me," I joke. "So, how is baby?" I ask, trying to avoid any awkward silences that may arise.

"She's amazing! Growing so quickly," she says.

"I can see that," I say, smiling at the bump. But then, I realised how that sounded. "Shit, not that you're fat, Sam. Just that you look properly pregnant now-"

"I knew what you meant," Salma chuckles. My shoulders drop in relief.

"So, um, where's Daniel?" I ask. I hadn't seen him at all yet, and Theresa hadn't mentioned him. I wondered if he had even attended; if he'd been too scared because of Harry's threat, or if he was simply just elsewhere to Salma.

"I'm not quite sure right now," Salma shrugs. "He was drinking whiskey with dad in the main hall." she says. I nod.

"How is he?" I ask. The question felt unnatural and almost wrong to ask, but I knew that if I didn't, I'd seem careless. I wanted to stay stood on solid ground, after all.

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