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11: are you really going to sacrifice everything for me?


was love meant to be this hard to find?

hard enough, that one could even contemplate leaving all behind and following a voice in his head?

that it all seemed so good at first, before you realize it was a lie... Or at worst-

-all in your head.



"Could we discuss the possibility that the voices in your head are yours?" Zachary read the question off Greg's lips-

-Greg, who was a close friend of Denver's that Reggie reached out to as a therapist figure to Zach.

For most of his life, Zachary has struggled to redefine himself to be people around him, asides from the fat boy everyone knew and he had heard alot of ways to sugarcoat the word, crazy.

And as he stared at Greg, he scoffed-- "You think I'm crazy?" Was all he asked, proving his conclusions no surprise to him.

There were two truths, that, that wasn't the first time Zachary had communicated with voices in his head and the other, being that no one cared enough to listen-

-to actually understand and help him, but they all sought the easier diagnosis, the easier conclusion. And even though Zach had struggled with the words of other people-

-he also fought against the pessimistic words of himself. His mind, that had only been recently inhabited by the person he was seemingly drawn to.

"We think he might have what we call, dissociative identify disorder amidst dealing with the grief and trauma from-" Zach had eavesdropped Greg's whisper to his mother. "What is that?" Reggie asked.

"People often refer to it as multiple personality disorder-"


Three years later, Gregory still stuck to this diagnosis once Regina had called him, he remained in Colorado whilst she panicked in the police station.

"So this voice is his?" She paced around the halls before turning back to Amy, who had agreed to follow her, to help her look for Zachary.

"Ma'am-" She hung up at the sight of an approaching policeman before looking to the French read news.

"We've been over this. There's been a flood of cases and you can only file a missing person's report after 24 hours, ma'am" He said to her and she exclaimed.


"Twenty f- My son is out there and he's all alone. And i can't think of what might become of him in the next twenty four hours-" She cried.

"Teenagers. This is not our first case and he's probably with some friends to cool off" He replied and she shook her head, looking away. "You don't get it-"

"He's not a normal teenager. He doesn't have any friends-" She added in a whisper before looking to Amy.


Meanwhile, Zachary had made his way to a grassy garden, probably partial from someone's uneven lawn, where he laid to face the setting sun.

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