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(I'm changing the cover so don't be alarmed if you don't see the one your used to anymore!)

--Raven's POV--

I sit on the couch, a luke warm tea cup sitting on the coffee table in front of me. I stare out the window, watching the graceful birds swoop and fly around the blissful ocean.

I sigh, slowly exhaling cool air from the bottom of my lungs, letting my brain take a break for a while. I let my head lay back on the top of the pink couch, my eyes closed, my body still.

The double doors to the common room swing open, causing my eyes to follow suit. A blonde boy (my favorite blonde boy to be exact) stands in the doorway, smiling at my upside down face.

I scramble up, sitting on the couch the correct way and turning to look at him. A small twinkle lingers in his milky blue eyes, glistening dreamily as he steps towards me.

I smile at him as he takes his place on the couch next to me, taking my hand. "How are you, Rae?"

I shrug, looking back absently at the view ahead. He sighs and pulls me into a hug by the waist, nuzzling his head into my shoulder. "I know you can't talk, but you can at least tell me."

I smile, a light scoff escaping my lips. It was true I couldn't speak, my throat had dried after the fight and we agreed it would be best if I relaxed for a while.

I traced his jawline with my pointer finger, our sign for "I'm fine". He looked up and smiled at me, setting a soft kiss on my forehead. I relaxed, looking into his mesmerizing eyes. He took a gaze into mine as well, my purple amethyst orbs scanning his face happily.

The doors swung open again, Cyborg stepping in and eyeing the kitchen. He saw us and smiled, a slight chuckle parting his robotic software. "How Ya doin' Rae?" He asked, walking to the refrigerator.

I raised my hand, my pointer finger and thumb's tips touching and my remaining three fingers raised to the ceiling. "She's fine," Beastboy answered for me.

The half machine nodded, saluting me with his right hand. I smiled, watching him start to take ingredients out of the refrigerator.

"What's on the schedule today?" Beastboy asked, turning to look at Cyborg.

He reached for a bowl, opening a drawer at the same time to pick up a mixing spoon. "Dunno, the bird probably has something fun for us to do today." He said sarcastically, waving his metallic fingers through the air.

That same "bird" entered the room as he finished, sleeking back his long Raven black hair with his green gloved hand. Cyborg closed his big mouth, smirking and holding in a laugh as Robin obliviously walked past him to the control panel on the television stand. I giggled slightly, feeling energized without Trigon to hold me back. Beastboy turned and smiled at me, taking my hand and leading me out.

He brought me to the roof, holding my hands and standing in front of me. The boy I had used to know as a short, scrawny teenager, now towers above me, looking straight down into my eyes.

His slight muscle build encases his entire body, giving him a grown up and mature look. A slight scruff lining his chin and traveling behind his now rounded ears.

He smiled warmly at me, his action heating me up from inside despite the cool breeze that licks my arms and spreads a sheet of goosebumps along my skin.

"I love you, Raven." He whispers in my ear, his warm breath soothing the ice cold bumps on my skin. I smile and hug him, his head resting on top of mine.

I sigh dreamily, nuzzling my head into his chest, his sturdy arms wrapped around me as we sway lightly. With his other hand, he strokes my hair lightly, catching long purple strands under his fingertips.

I close my eyes, breathing in his warm and inviting scent, not wanting to let go. He squeezes me close to him, his mouth lingering in front of mine as he sighs, resuming to hug me.

"Rae?" He asks, tightening his grip on me.

I look up at him, holding back a dreamy exhale as I watch his orbs dance in the sunlight. Looking over the roofs edge, he bites his lip and speaks softly.

"So, was that a yes on marrying me?"

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