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-- Ravens POV --

He opens his eyes slowly, and pulls away from my grasp. He turns to the wall, migrating a loose strand of forest green hair behind his ears, his sparkling emerald eyes misty.

"How long?" I push, taking a step forward and grabbing his arm. He turns to me, and pulls my figure back in an embrace, his head sitting on top of mine.

"7 months.." He whispers.

My eyes grow wide. 7 months? How was I asleep for that long? I tighten my grip on him, breathing in his familiar scent. Tears linger on the tips of my eyelashes, on the verge of spilling down my cheeks.

I squeeze my eyes shut, hugging on to him for dear life. The tears fall, enveloping my face in a salty puddle. He frowns and rubs my back lightly, hoping to calm me from the tears.

"A-anything happen.. W-while I was out?" I cringe at the thought, placing my face on his collarbone.

"Star and Robin are engaged.." He whispers to me.

"O-okay." I nod, at a loss for words.

But I can't get over this theory. 7 months? How was I unaware of my surroundings for 7 months? How was I alive? Am I still a vampire anymore?

I open my eyes, and pull away harshly. I can read his face that he misses my warmth, and I miss his. I pull my right hand up to my mouth, and feel my teeth lightly.

As I run my pale fingers along the bottoms of my teeth, he smiles sadly at me, taking my other arm in his hands, and rubbing it lovingly.

I pause where the space my canines should be, nothing but a lightly bumpy cascade of bone.

My heart thumps dramatically, pulling me towards the ground and holding my legs in my shaking hands. Beastboy sits next to me, cradling my face in his warm green hands.

I look down, my teeth chattering as I rest my head against his chest, and he pulls me closer. One family I can rely on.

((A/N: sorry it's short, I'm starting a Bbrae one shots book 😃 yay!

Well, I'll try to keep this one going, as well as my lunar chronicles fanfiction, but as you guys know, I suck at keeping promises.

Anyways, ttyl bye :)))

Teens Will Be TeensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora