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--Raven's POV--

I crack my eyes open, scanning my room lazily, as I get up from my bed. My teeth pound like drums in my mouth, aching and searching for the sweet flavor of blood.
I head for my door, dragging my feet behind me as I look at the ground, trying to rid my mind of all its contaminants.
Visions of people holding their faces, tears streaming down their cheeks flood my mind. My brain wobbles with the sound of mourning, and my stomach lurches in pain.
I ignore it, limping down the hallways to the main corridor. A fresh bag sits in the counter, my lips smack in anticipation as I approach it, a hand outstretched. I brush my fingertips to the bag, picking it up gently and eyeing the gushing substance inside. Ripping the top off with my teeth, I cup my tongue around the spout, sucking up the contents quickly and neatly.
Once I finish, I set the bag back down, wiping the core bet of my mouth with the back of my hand.
"Crow," Master steps in the room, his ghost white hair pulled tightly in a ponytail on the back of his head. "Tonight is the night."
I smile, the first smile I've accomplished in as long as I could remember. "Yes, Master."
He claps his hands together, his mask hiding the brim of his nose and his mouth, as he approaches me.
My heart jumps into my throat as he plants a kiss on my lips, taking away the remaining blood on my tongue with his.
I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Out breaths mix, as he pulls away, stepping back and clearing his throat.
"There's no time in evil for.." He pauses "This."
I nod, looking down and leaning against the counters, disappointed.
"We shall fight." He looks back at me. "Are you ready?"
I glance up, a smirk forming on my face. "Ready."
He sets his hand on my shoulder, leaning in and lightly pressing his lips to my forehead. "We shall set off, now."

::sorry it was short, I just wanted to give you guys a chapter and I have homework to do -_-::

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