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--Ravens POV--

I groan, sitting up. My back sticks to the cool tiled floor, making it hard for me to pull up.
My eyes don't adjust normally in this gray light, I try squinting to clear my vision.
Blinking rapidly, I can slowly see as I sweep the area. A body is slump against the wall, it's head aimed down and legs out in front.
Stepping cautiously, I approach, in a tiptoe, my hand outstretched and my footsteps diminished to a crawl.
I put my hand on the body's shoulder, a chill rattling my bones. The body doesn't move, it's black hair bloody and tattered on its head.
I lift the body's chin, but I wish I hadn't.
Robin sits on the floor, his hands covering a soaking wound on his chest, his mask peeled off his grey piercing eyes. Dried blood covers his nose, his broken nose, and pools into his mouth where chipped teeth lay.
I jump back, scooting against the floor, my hands dragging and my knees pushing me backwards.
I hit something, something cold. I turn swiftly, and the lifeless eyes of cyborg stare back at me. My voice is lost, his body cracked and scratched, hanging from the ceiling with blood seeping from his human eye onto the floor beneath him.
I scramble, my eyes stinging with tears as I try to run in another direction, away from here.
Is this even real?
A figure falls onto of me, earning a blood curdling scream from my end. I throw the body off me, it's once auburn hair now glistening and red. Taking a closer look, but backing away, I see Starfires face.
A face of calmness and serenity, now a mixture between horror and pain. Her face, red with exhaustion and hurt, hitting the slippery floor hard, a crack ringing through my ears.
I cry, my tears pooling out of my eyes and waterfalling down my face. With one last look at my "friends" I slump down the wall, squeezing my eyes shut as securely as possible, and smacking my head violently against the wall behind me.
My screams of mourn grow louder with every breath I take, sucking in the vile air.
I slunk my head down, cracking my eyes open. A knife lays in my pale hand, my fingers wrapped around it, the oh too familiar maroon liquid dribbling from the top.
I gasp, turning back to the bodies that lie on the ground, each with the exact same stab wound on their chest.
I've killed them.
I've killed my best friends...
The thought settles in my brain, but I don't want to except it.
I hold the knife up, my shaking hand gripping it tightly, and plunge it into my chest.
My vision fades, a blur of red and black pulses and rushes by me. I feel something being placed on my arms, pushing me towards the wall.
Disembodied voices speak around me, whispering and gasping lightly.
But one voice stands out among them.
"Raven," it says.

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