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--Ravens POV--

"Good night," he whispers to me, tucking my pale body into thick purple sheets.

"N-night," I stutter. He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes as he leans down and lightly kisses my forehead with his soft lips. My eyelids start to droop as he pulls away, the light sparkle of his emerald eyes glistening in the moonlight that crawls into my room.

My eyes close, my breathing evens, and I fall asleep.


My amethyst eyes flutter open as morning approaches, my body still in the exact same position from last night. I sit up, cradling my head in my right hand, suddenly dizzy.

With a light exhale, I swig my legs over the bed and push up onto the wooden floor. I twirl my long purple hair through my fingers as I walk to my dresser, opening the bottom drawer of clothing.

I change, admiring myself in the mirror, for the first time in what seems like ages. My lips and skin are as pale as ever, but my eyes have gained a slight twinkle. Light violet sparkles line the outside of my pupils, evening out to the rest of my eyes.

My lips curl into a smile, for I know that I am not worthless anymore. I think about my team, who values my existence, and Beastboy.. Who loves me.

I step out of my room, digging through my thoughts for a memory of where the common room is. I close my eyes, raking my brain for any information.

Someone takes my arm from my right, and my eyes pop open. A set of green ones stare back at me, his smile reaching all the way to his eyes. I smile back, letting him lead me through the building.

We walk in silence, his presence comforting enough to me, and hopefully to him. I blush lightly, thinking about how much I love him, how much I adore his company and his thoughtfulness.

We arrive at the main room, no one else present except for us. I grip his strong hand in my petite one, setting a innocent kiss on his cheek.

As I lean back down, he pulls me back up for a real kiss. I smile, enjoying our time together. He pulls away before I do, hugging me close as I do the same.

Robin and Starfire enter the room, holding hands as well as we did. They both acknowledge me with a slight head movement, smiling with their eyes. I smile back, leaning against his steady frame, he wraps his arms around me.

The other couple chuckles lightly before exiting off into the kitchen. Beastboy grabs my face in his hands, a smirk playing across his lips. "What are you doing?" I ask, my face tight with seriousness.

His smile drops, letting his hands brush the side of my face as they too, fall. "I don't know.." He shrugs. "I'm just glad your here. That you're okay now, and your safe." He leans down and kisses my lips softly. "And I'm especially glad that your mine."

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