accidental hybrid 2: chapter 13

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when the elivator hit the bottom, i opened the doors to be welcomed by darkness. i saw a tunnel heading straight infront of me. at the end i saw a little light escaping from some sort of window. " come on lets follow that light at the end of the tunnel" i said to ashton. he fidgeted a little but followed along behind me. " i carnt see anything at all down here" he moaned. " neither can i , well i can a little but not much better than you" i replied. " great, that makes me feel better" he said.

i let out a little laugh and i heard him laugh a little to.  i heard the puddles of water 'splosh' as my feet hit the surface of them and water dripped from most part of the ceiling of the tunnel. " we almost there now?" asked ahston. " yh we are" i replied. i then heard distant music playing repitedly. " ashton, is you phone ringing ?" i asked. i couldnt see his expression but i watched his hand reach into his right pocket in his jeans. " yh i am" he said. the phone beeped as he pressed the answer button and him mubbiling to the other person.

" its for you" ahston said, holding the phone forward. " for me?" i asked. " yh, its amiee" he replied. i felt my heart leap and fill with the love for her that i had began to loose with every second i spent without her.


tyson slowly pulled my mobile out of my hand and placed the speaker to his ear. " amiee, is that you?" he said. i heard amiee mubble and then tyson let out a relived sigh. " oh my god, i have missed you so much" he said happily. then his face went still. i heard amiee tell him she had somethings to tell him.

i heard the first thing was that she wasnt in the cell at the end of the tunnel any more and tysons face sadened. amiee must of known it had upset him, i heard her saying the next pieace of news would make him feel better. " what is it and by the way how is you and the baby?" he asked. amiee replied saying something , it sounded like she said she was ok and so was the baby. " whats the good news?" asked tyson.

amiee mumbled a few words and tysons face lit up like someone had replaced it with the sun. " oh my god, thats amazing !" tyson beamed. "what is it?" i asked. it took tyson a while to realize i had said anything but when he did he turned to me. pulling the phone away from his ear, he said " its a boy !" he shouted. "what is ?" i asked. he looked confused. " mine and amiee's baby " he said." oh" i replied. i couldnt remember wether she had told me or not or she had but i had forgotten. i was so caught up in seeing her again i couldnt think of anything else.

i watched tyson say a few more things and then say goodbye even though he said it 5 times. " thats great news, about the baby i mean and where is she now then if she isnt here ?" i asked. " i dont know i mean amiee couldnt tell me either cause she was knocked out when she was there and becuase that twat touched her and hurt her i'm going to kill him" he siad, his fist clenching slighty. " oh erm........god i feel so useless, she came to me to help her and yet i havnt done nothing for you or her" i said upset. " your wrong, if you hadnt been involved then i wouldnt have known amiee was having a baby boy and even though amiee isnt here any more well its the first step i guess" he said. i hadnt thought of it like that and he was right.

" so what can we do now then ?" i asked. " well we might as well look around, i mean it might help us guess where she might be, if we find anything" tyson said. " yh ok" i replied and began following tyson down the tunnel.


i was so glad i heard tyson again ! and that he knew the gender of the baby. i was so happy i thought i was going to burst. but i whish he was here instead of jamie. and i was glad he asked me how i was but i realaized i hadnt asked how he was. 

someone knocked on the door and i quickly shoved my mobile under the pillows behind me. " you can come in" i shouted. jamie walked in and i noticed some papers in his hand with a pen. " hey" he said. " hi" i replied. " you look well" he said. " yh i'm ok" i said. " so what brings you in here?" i asked. he walked up to the bed and sat on it so he faced me. " i want you to sign the marriage certificate and the birth certificate for the baby" he said. i got confused. " somethings wrong, i'm not getting married and two , i need tyson to sign the birth certificate becuase its his baby" i said.

" ahh but thats whats changing, your going to marry me and i will be come the baby's farther, any problems?" he asked

yh there was a big problem and it was sitting right infront of me.

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