~ EPILOGUE ~...!!!

Comincia dall'inizio

Penny: I didn't realize...

Tal♡: Y aren't u here yet???

Penny: Ok, what's your deal?....

Tal♡: Wat do u mean?

Penny: Y r u so whiny?

Tal♡: Maybe I just really miss u😘

Penny: Ofcourse you do, and I'm here now, tell me which table ur sitting at

Tal♡: ❤

Penny: I'm awkwardly standing at the front door, seriously, where are u?


Penny: Talon...


Penny: I carried scissors...

Tal♡: 4th table on ur left

Penny: gud, that's more like it-

Penny typed smiling and sought the mentioned table and faithfully enough found a coy looking Talon smiling mischievously from his chair.

"Took ya' long enough..." He said sarcastically.

Penny just rolled her eyes in response before taking her seat.

"Whatever, how come you weren't at HQ today?"

"I was with Slick at the workshop," he said.


"Inventors workshop.....don't act like you don't know that I'm an impressive inventor now too," He said proudly.

"Oh yeah...I forgot you wanted to try out inventing," She raised her head in realization.

"Try out? I've been inventing all my life!" He said outraged.

"Oh please, what have you ever invented?" She said folding her arms.

He exaggerated a loud gasp,"My rocket boots! And I invented those 10 years ago for that matter!" He said.

"Still doesn't make you an impressive inventor..."

"Give in Pen, we've been over this...I'm just unbelievably awesome and you know it. You HAVE to accept this by now," He said cockily.

Penny just sighed "Uggghhh, whatever. Can we just eat already? I'm starving!" She said motioning a waitress.

"Fine, as the lady wishes..." he said doing a small bow.

"Yes yes finally! We can EAT!" Penny said impatiently when there food was finally brought to them.

And Talon couldn't stop himself from exploding with laughter as he watched Penny inhumanely devour half of her king sized burger in just one bite......


After lunch Talon suggested to take a stroll at the park since they were both free for the rest of the afternoon and ofcourse Penny agreed. They had some small talk on the way, centering on what the other did today and other random things like the weather and sports. And soon they finally arrived at the park.

The new yearDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora