Put the 'new' in New year!

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Talon POV

That was amazing! I finally confessed to pretty Penny what I've been keeping inside for tooo long. And it means the world to me that she feels the same way!

We've broke from the smooch and were just staring into eachother eyes again. If this is a dream; I don't ever want to wake up! So this is what it feels like? To have someone who loves you, to enjoy simply to just be in someone's presence; to be in love.

But Penny decides to speak up.

"So what are you gonna do now?" She says.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"You know, since after what your Uncle said; Does he really mean he's going to disown you?" She asked innocently.

"We'll he is very capable of literally throwing me out to the streets! But I'll figure it out and even if he does, it doesn't matter; as long as I'm with you..." I said smiling.

"A bit cheesy-" She said back "-But Yeah, I hope you do," She said smiling too.

"I did mean it! But Anywho, I don't like leaving things uncompleted so let's be real for moment. Since you like, have a thing for me too.....and I'm like, not working at Mad anymore......I was wondering..??? Remember that girlfriend thing I asked you four months ago? Changed your mind yet???......" I said pulling off, the most flirtatious of my smirks yet!

She just laughed pushing my handsome face away playfully.

"Oh, you're such a stubborn dork!-" She said shaking her head "-but Ofcourse I'll be your girlfriend!" She replied with glee.


"That's great! And frankly; I knew you couldn't keep away from this dangerously handsome hero for long!" I say smirking and stepping back and flexing my arms for effect.

"Oooooh, your some superhero...." She said sarcastically while eyerolling and folding her arms.

"Needless to say, may I remind you who literally just saved your life! And you know what's crazy?! I rocket booted myself down a 50 storey building, at a dangerously fast speed! and yet!; my hair is STILL perfect. Now THAT'S a super power!" I say pointing at my doo then Penny.

She just looks at me speechless and there is a moment of silence........Before we both start laughing together! Even though it's true, I gotta admit. I did sound ridiculous. After the laughter dies down Penny speaks up.

"You really are something Talon," She says giggling and shaking her head yet again.

"It's called being awesome, Pen. I'm always that way. It's a personality trait F.Y.I" I say sassily.


Is all the two teens could hear before they probably suffered eardrum damage.

"I CAN'T WATCH THIS ANY LONGER, IT'S JUST TOO OVERWHELMING!!!!*Shriek*TALENNY IS SOOOOO CANON!!!!LIKE, OFFICALLY NOW!!!" The girl with the biggest mouth on earth said while portraying the most fangirling I've ever seen!

"KAYLA?!" Both Penny and I said in unison.

"Awww! You even say things at the same time! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!*Shriek**Shriek*" She continued squealing. Penny spoke to her first.

"How LONG have you been watching us, Kay?!" She asked a bit worriedly.

"Oh basically the whole time! You guys are so adorbs!!!!" She said giddily.

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