Extravagant A/N 💎✨💅🏽

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(Collage made by Me)


I just want thank everyone for the support and reading this book!!! Because this was my first very SERIOUS fanfic that I sacrificially put in a lot of effort, and a crazy magnitude of time. And oh my hairgel, I can't believe it's almost at 3K!!!😱😭 (That's not the biggest on wattpad, but the size of the galaxy to me)

Y'all really made me pursue recreative writing(yes I said recreative). I think it's helped with my grammar too on the school side of things tbh XD. Each human being who took time to read this top to bottom, know that I loved entertaining you :3


Interesting facts you may want to know about this book🤷‍♀️ (If you care)

Fact 1 : How it came to existence; was in class during an evening study and instead of reading just started day dreaming about the show inspector Gadget and Poof! The first chapter until New year rev. Part 2 came into my head!!!

Fact 2 : Story would have ended on New year rev. Part 2!!! As I had originally planned, but got Inspired to write more when someone awkwardly said they can't wait 4 the next chapter😬......and I realized it didn't have to end there and added 5 more amazing chapters!!!I hope you guys Liked it this way too haha!!!


And can we talk about how the show ended 2 years ago, in 2018🥺😢😢😭😭😩😩😟!!!! They left us with SO MANY unanswered questions and I got heartbroken when I found out💔💔💔💔 I really wanted a season 5 but maybe the only hope is if us fans stay persistent to the creators but it's been 2 years....It seems to be a lost cause...

AND sjbkshxdyfc I just noticed how similar the show is with another 3-D animated series I love; Miraculous ladybug!(You probably know about it, cuz how can you not?)The two main protagonists girls both have pigtails, the guys have tan skin tone! And for hair; it's like they swapped the hair colors!

I don't know if I'll ever write another Talenny fanfic again since the fandom is decreasing😪 Maybe someday...... but if they're  any miraculers here and people who have had an encounter with the Alvin and the chipmunks franchise, Expect fanfics from me🐞❣!!!!

And as I already mentioned, If you want me to write an Epilogue; to end this ending even more. Say it in the comments!!!😋

But thanks you guys. The experience has been amazing! And I hope this is not a farewell and we'll meet eachother in the future🤗😄

Love y'all and keep on being gadget-ous and miraculous!!!!!

Dropsofrain24 Out!❤❤❣❣❣❣❣



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