.....Uncle Gadget, No!

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Talon POV

....He really wants to destroy Gadget and HQ, huh? I shouldn't have underestimated how diabolical my uncle can get! But this is just bad honestly. I know I'm evil and all, but I don't want to murder anybody but I guess Uncle C's so into this he doesn't care anymore. I'm just so scared and confused; At first I just wanted to do this mission whatever it was with all my best so Mad wins but I just don't know anymore. One things for sure though, I need to find out more about this great scheme his plotting.

"Isn't it incredible??!!!!" The Mad first in command muses to me.

"Oh-Umm, This plan is so solid Uncle C! It will totally defeat Inspector Gadget once and for all! But may I ask, when are we executing it ?" I reply with all the fake mission enthusiasm I could offer.

"We're executing it tomorrow. And I'm going to assemble all the Mad agents I can get on this mission to celebrate Mad's amazing victory!!!" He says further damaging his chair by banging his fist on it's already broken arm. (poor chair😰) This keeps on getting
worse, doesn't it?

"That's great, Uncle C.." I say with a false smile that's convincing enough for him not to notice.

"It just keeps on getting greater, boy!!! Because this time around I'M going to be there!!-" He says before being interrupted.

"W-WHAT??!!!" I say gawking at him in disbelief. He NEVER gets out for missions; this MUST really be big.

"That's right, I trust this mission so much that I, Dr. Claw is coming out in THE FLESH !!!they'll soon be no HQ to arrest me anyway!!!*evil laugh* And besides, I can't dare risk you messing this one up, anyway!" I just roll my eyes. Maybe if he made more concrete plans more often ; I wouldn't 'mess up' much so much.

I need to warn Penny about this! I dont have much time since it's just tomorrow morning that he's launching it. But doing something about it tonight can make a difference. Maybe save HQ, but that doesn't matter; as long as my Penny is safe. I suddenly feel more protective, but this an entire agency's destruction we're talking about; I just have to.  So I just need to get out of his sight.....

"Hey Uncle C, I'm gonna head over to my room to get some sleep, want to be wide awake for tomorrow's mission!!!" I say charmingly.

"Whatever, but REAL evil doesn't sleep" He says dismissing me.

"You say alot things but, Ok, WHAT is that even supposed mean??!!" I say shaking my head a little in utter confusion.

"Only really evil people would understand that" He says smirking at me, so amused by my reaction.

"You know what?.......I'm just gonna ignore you!!! Your ridiculousness will ruin my good dreams tonight!" I say walking out of the room not needing any response.

I can't text Penny anymore because I had to cut our communication that time when Uncle Claw picked up the HQ signal and almost found out. We barely even talk outside missions these days for crying out loud!!! But...... I could just go see her? I know it's crazy risky! And I'll definitely surprise her for sure! But this is an emergency; I'm sure she'll understand.

So I carefully sneak out my bedroom window and jet my way to Penny's house and I hopefully won't be caught.

Penny POV

"I want to embark in a new in type of tasty breakfast treat tommorrow morning!" My Uncle chants in my room with me and  brain who; btw has been eyerolling the whole time.

"I got tired of preparing my famous pancakes!-" He said, phew! That's a RELIEF!! I was really get tired of those fried goods too.

"So tommorrow I'll be making inspector  gadget waffles!! I should practice my recipe to make sure it's spectacular! Brain, come with me to the kitchen! We've got some cooking to do!!!" He says gesturing to my intelligent dog brain who doesn't look too amused.

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