New year revelations part 2

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So without a further ado, I present to you, the long awaited part two!!!!!( Ha! that rhymed!?)

Penny POV

The jewel of kru's power is cool and everything but I just dont feel that happiness that everyone in the ballroom is feeling right now. I brushed my negative emotions to the side for a short while and tried partying with Uncle Gadget and brain but honestly I can't keep up with the fake smile anymore and I gotta admit the truth to Uncle Gadget.

"Hey Uncle Gadget, I think I've had enough partying for one night; so I'm heading to the roof "I said.

"Are you sure Penny? I haven't even busted my best Inspector Gadget moves yet! Don't you want to take over the dance floor with me?" He says amusingly.

I gave him a small smile "No I'm good, Uncle G" I say to him as he's 'busting his moves'.

"Alright Penny, but if you'll need me, I'll be right here dancing with brain!" He says grabbing the unsuspecting dog whose eyes light up in surprise and though he can't talk his eyes are obviously screaming 'help me' but before I could even do anything there off to the center of the dancefloor.

Well brain's in for a real treat..........I say to myself and make my way to the roof of the castle. So after climbing some really long stairs I finally make it to the top of the castle!

The view is amazing and the fresh air is so.....refreshing! I could see most of the kingdom from here!, and even though it was night time I could still see some of the nature looking breathtaking thanks to the jewel's emission. I've never seen anything quite like it, it's so........beautiful.

I came here to clear my thoughts, by the refreshing evening air and I place my hands on the rails of the balcony while letting out a heavy sigh, looking back to the events of the night.

So today we finally came to the ball and witnessed the power of thd jewel of kru and Mad really did show despite my doubts about it; but technically Talon is the one who showed up to *sigh* steal the jewel for Mad's evil purposes. I knew from the beginning that there was something fishy about Talon's presence at the ball, but I didn't think that he was attempting something THAT devious and he couldn't care less about me....I feel awful and betrayed for some reason, I know he's 'evil' and all but I really didn't see him that way; I saw some good in him. To some extent he could be kind, caring, funny and charming. Talon's not one who usually expresses their true emotions but when caught off guard I could see past that crazy big evil ego of his, to see a person with a good heart but spoiled by his uncle's evil antics and mentoring.

But I guess I was wrong, maybe he is emotionless and I feel so stupid for hoping that he would actually like me back for all this time! I could swear that from the first day we met that he had at least a LITTLE interest in me and I was too chicken to ask him or make any move because even if he did, I thought we could never be together because our agencies are literally arch enemies, so we're supposed to hate and fight each other, you know. But it doesn't matter because I was very very WRONG. All this time, he flirted with me or we had a somewhat moment together was just manipulating me or just down right toying with my heart!? I'm just SO embarrased and I dont think I'll be able to face Talon again, not after what happened tonight. I feel so helpless and regretful......................... I bight my lip because I'm at the verge of crying right now, but I'm not going to let my feelings get the better of me. Being an agent has taught me to be very strong even when I feel really hurt about something or someone. I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding to calm myself down.

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