Night of the ball part 2

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Her expression reads the same reaction and I can't believe it's the person I'm staring at right now infront of me.

"...Talon, is it...really you??!!" She says with pure horror written on her face. Well she's not so excited to see me too.

Before either of us can say another word (which sucks because I was going to make a very witty remark). My escort comes almost running to us and has a very relieved look on his face.

"Finally, I've been looking all over for you miss!!! Both of you actually"

He says shooting an angry glare at me and I simply just scratch the back of my neck nervously, managing a small laugh.

"This was the parterner you came with sir, I don't know why you've been refusing all night?" he says " I'm supposed to be the escort that escorts both of you tonight!"he lets out.

We both have 'Oh' expressions on our faces.

So THIS is what he meant about all that parterner nonsense. It now all started to make sense, that means somehow Penny got here, probably before me and the escort lost her and when I showed up , he got assigned to me as his second person to escort. Interesting, so I was paired to Penny?, without even knowing? Now that's something.

I now take time to notice how pretty Penny looks right now, she's wearing heels, well thats a first she's slightly more taller than usual but I'm still taller than her. Her dress is really elegant and beautiful and really brings out her shape, in a good way... and her hair is freed from her pig tails, not completely free but tied up in high pontail with a comb placed in the centre and she even used a little makeup which wasn't necessary if you ask me cuz she's beautiful either way.

"You look....." I pause trying to look for the right word to describe her  "...amazing, pretty Penny" and give her my signature smirk.

I try holding the blush that might come to my cheeks, and succesfully do so, so she doesn't think much of it. By simply saying she looked amazing was an understatement because I think there isn't the right word to truly capture how great she looked right now. If I was to give an accurate description, the list of words would be endless and if I actually did it, it would be very awkward between us, so I choose to settle with just a simple comment.

She lightly rolled her eyes but with an evident smile creeping on her lips.

"Thanks" she said "You don't look so bad yourself"

Penny POV

"You don't look so bad yourself"

I tell him after he complements my appearance, he really did look amazing, his suit fit him well and this is probably the most decent I've ever seen him, without a disguise or costume at all. His hair was up, spiky and fresh, like usual which is his basic obssession.  Dont make the mistake of touching it, if you dont want to see his VERY angry side, trust me; it isn't pretty (from experience). His tie looks familiar, didn't I see it some market before? Maybe it's just a coincidence. And what I love the most about him right now is not what he's wearing but the one  thing he's doing with his face.

He's smiling and whenever he smiles at me like that, I swear I get really weak in the knees and I could just faint right now, that's one of my weaknesses around him but he never usually gives me that smile unless he really means it. Which must be what's happening right now. I manage to keep my posture cuz the last thing I want right now is for him to notice the change in confidence in me.

I wasn't about to tell him anything more about how really good he looked right now cuz knowing him, theres no way I'm feeding his big Ego.

"Geez Pen, I didn't know you thought so" he says while giving a sly smile and wink.

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