Night of the ball part 1

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Penny POV

We're in the gadget mobile and Uncle Gadget is driving us to the place where the ball is held every 10 years; the prestigious royal castle. Chief Quimby said something about this jewel being magical and if we stop MAD (If they show up that is) from doing anything to it, I might be able to see this power myself.

We pull up at our destination and not surprisingsly there's a red carpet with paparazzi and I feel like I'm at Holywood or something. After flashing a few smiles at the demanding cameras Uncle Gadget and brain go in ahead of me with some guy in some sort of attire and I reach the entrance right behind them.

"Hello ma'am, I'll be your escort this evening and,uggh-!" he looks down at his shoes and sees that his laces are undone "-why don't you just go right in while I tie my laces?" he tells me.

"Of course," I say while going in and wonder off in the building while he's still doing his laces.

Talon POV

I'm out of my limo and honestly I wasn't expecting this many people or this much attention but it's nothing I can't handle so I confidently walk on the red carpet while dealing with paparazzi which is slightly annoying, but I like it somehow; there's so much attention on me, before finally reaching the entrance.

"Aha, Finally! now ma'am, where was I? we- Where'd she go? Oh! Nevermind you must be her partner, hello sir I will be your escort this evening, miss must already be in but each escort escorts two guests," the short man in the suit said.

I didn't know what the heck he was talking about, but I don't have time for complications and boring explainations, so I chose to just ignore what he said and go in with my so called 'escort'. But seriously what do we need them for, anyway? Just hope mine doesn't disturb anything and poop on MAD's party.

Penny POV

The castle is beautiful, and so huge! I could get lost if I'm not careful. They're so many rooms and I'm not sure which one is the one we're using for the ball, my escort is no where to be seen, so there goes any hope for direction.....

I should probably look for Uncle Gadget and brain but who knows where those two have gone off to. So the next best thing is to walk around like some sort of adventure keeping in mind the mission and most importantly, have an eye out for MAD!, wow...I sounded just like my uncle, todays really full of surprises...

So I'm basically on my own now, exploring around this interresting place and suspicious of any MAD activity. What an adventure but I really hope to discover anything going on, my gut tells me MAD is up to something but my brain thinks otherwise.

Well, I'm just gonna keep on looking, I'm bound to find at least something interesting, besides it's the only way I'll find the ballroom at this point, they should have really made it's location clearer...?!

Talon POV

The ball party thing is nice, The castle's well decorated, everthing looks fancy and it's awesome! and its somewhere where one can feel great and have a really good time, someone like me at least.

I tried looking for where the king keeps this so called jewel of kru but I can't find it anywhere, it really must be hidden somewhere very secretive, like what Uncle Claw said.

Which means I'll have to be patient and wait for the actual new year which is when they take the jewel out of it's hidding place. I hate waiting; I really wish I could just find the damn jewel and get over with this. But I'm just gonna have to chill until they take the precious stone out of hidding.

My escort isn't making anything easier, it's like he's watching my every move and he follows me everywhere, even the bathroom?!!!And believe me, it is a very UNCOMFORTABLE feeling, its like he's stalking me!

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