8. Back where we started

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The constellations filled your vision, eyes widening as they frantically attempted t take everything in.

Ren stood behind you looking at your reflection in the glass, watching as your pupils dilated in wonder, watching as you sucked in a breath.

 "Why won't you let me?" His voice was hushed, almost a whisper as he stared at your face. The question seeped into every pore on you skin chilling you to the core. You looked up to find his eyes, but only to find those same eyes that had been hooded with anger wide with sadness.

He looked sad. Upset. Not happy. Sorrowful.  You were speechless, but a set of puppy dog eyes wasn't going to shake your resolve.

"The galaxy you want to offer me doesn't include my freedom'

You expected outrage, a tantrum, hissyfit and some lightsaber destruction. But this time a slight smirk creasing his jaw.

"If you will not know your place you will learn it" He uttered. Your eyes widened at his sudden change in tone, it was as though a switch had flicked inside that demented brain of his. But you doubted that switch had flicked in your favour.

If anything you were more terrified than ever.

He grabbed your still cuffed arm, dragging you to his side before opening the door and shoving his mask back on.  

Being pulled along identical corridors by the Supreme Leader of the first order was about as pleasant as it sounded, his relentless pace had you stumbling more than once, of course Mr Considerate did nothing but tug you up and continue.

The corridors may be the same but nothing could erase these corridors from your mind, you were back that the prisoner block, you dug you feet into the ground.

"No-kylo-wait" You stuttered, the memories of the room you were almost certainly headed to brining tears to your eyes, they slipped down you face.

He turned to you, looking down on you through that mask before wordlessly bending down and hauling you over his shoulder.

Letting out a small scream in shock you beat your cuffed hands into his back, Tears falling onto the belt that carried his damned saber. 

Before you knew hit you were back in that white room, Ren threw you of his shoulder into a sprawling heap on the floor, you scrambled you your knees then to your feet.

You rushed for the door, but just before you met it you were greeted with the familiar hum of the lightsaber, Ren walked around you, lightsaber keeping you frozen in place.

"You stay here until you decide to train, decide or starve" with a swoosh of his stupid black cape he was gone. 

Leaving you collapsed onto your knees. Tears of fear turned to those of frustration.

Your mind told you weeks had passed, but you stomach told you maybe only a day or two.

You had thought, long and hard.

You had been considering your options. 

"Train or starve" that is what he'd said to you when he chucked you into this hell hole. 

You spent most of your time staring into the abyss of space. 

The way you now saw it was that you could embrace your new lifestyle and become a badass Jedi.

And have a really cool lightsaber. 

The downside of that was that you had to put up with Kylo Ren on the day to day. 

But escape would be so much more likely if you complied for now, the sooner you trained and joined missions the sooner you could make a break for it on a planet, become a hermit and live out your days feeding thala-sirens on a remote island.

Because that was the life you wanted. 

Wasn't it?

This darn thinking thing. Deities it wasn't you style, introspective meditation was a trait belonging to the pretentious, to the people who had time to not work and actually be mentally healthy.

Not. Your. Style.

You had made your mind up, but for your dignity you would leave it another day.

Not more than a minute passed with your mind at peace, before the door slid open, it was the first noise you had heard in days, it jolted you to your very core, weekly you attempted to shuffle back wards from where you sat in the middle of the room, eyes blinking rapidly from being torn away from the window to the galaxy.

At the doorway stood none other than Supreme Doucheface, in all his black swathed glory, mask sat on his broad shoulders.

He stepped forward "I sensed you came to a decision" his voice made your ears hurt, the harshness of the booming decoder making goosebumps rise on your skin.

"Do you not have anything else to do other than harass me Supreme Leader?" Your dry throat made your words come out as a croak. 

"Tell me" He hissed, his lack of patience hardly surprising. 

"I will train under you" you looked away from him. 

He advanced, crouching down to you just like he had done the last day you had visited this room.

Again he gripped your chin, but unlike last time your face was clean of tears, your mind was clear.

He paused, you could sense him trying to read you.

Wordlessly he slipped his hands under your knees and your back, lifting you to his chest.


"You can't walk, be quiet" His bluntness silencing you.

So you sat contented in the arms of the Supreme Leader as he carried you back to him chamber. 

"Kylo?" you said softly 

You felt him inhale "Hm" was all he said, clearly dying to hear what you had to say. 


"Can you keep the window there when we get back?" The question came as a half mumble, sleep threatening to capture your words.

"Yes, Little Rebel"

Sleep overcame you.

The gif at the top were he says "let go" makes me die a little every time.

Also you need to help your fave emo boy out by going and signing the change.org petition for Lucasfilm/Star wars to continue Ben Solo's story.

Ive done my research and there's so many ways he could be brought back and fully redeemed, I want to see more of the Ben Solo softie we deserve after we saw so much of our beloved bad boy Kylo, that 20 min of screen time didn't do him justice. 

Feel free to drop your opinion on the matter in a comment. xo

Ashes to Ashes  |  A Kylo Ren StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz